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"Truth or dare?"he asked, his eyes was sparkling

Truth or dare?hmmm..

"Truth"I said to him

"Ok, do you like someone?"he asked out of the blue

Do I like someone? I think the answer is no,wait I think I like someone..
Now I think of it I really like him,but the question is,does he like me back?
What will I do,he just said that he likes someone 😔😔😔will I tell him that I like him?but what if he will never talk to me again?!what will I do?!wha-

"Hey nami,answer my question"he said,oops..

"Y-yes"why am I stuttering?!

"Ok another question because you asked me 3 times,so it will be fair for the both of us..the question is who do you like and when did you like him"he asked...oh no!will I tell him?!

"O-ok,it's n-"

-----Back to present-----


"O-ok, it's no other than m-mo-monkeydluffyandilikedyousinceyouwerebeatingarlongforme"I said fastly that no one can understand

"What?sorry I didn't understand,Can you repeat it"he said..oh my gosh!I can't!but I can lie,right?but I was the one who made the rules!and if I broke the rules it's like I can trust my own!ugh!!I'm just gonna tell it to him, ita not a big deal right? goes nothing..

"I said itsyoumonkeydluffyandilikeyousinceyouwerebeatingarlongforme"I said in a faster one

"What?can you repeat it again?please?and slow down"he furrowed his eyebrows and tried to listen carefully

"I said ITS YOU MONKEY D LUFFY AND I LIKE YOU SINCE YOU WERE BEATING ARLONG FOR ME!" my heart is racing!with that I looked up at him and now its my time furrowed my eyebrows

Whats happening to him?

Oh I think it's because you just said that you like him,idiot!

Who are you?

Duh?!I'm you!

Then if I'm you,why am I talking to myself?

I don't know,your the one who asked yourself

Am i crazy?talking to myself is unbelievable!just shut up!

with that i looked at luffy again,he has this grin in his face..a while ago he was like a statue and now he looks like he saw a land full of meat..he looked at me and his grin became wider

*dug* *dug* *dug* *dug*

I can hear my heart racing

"W-what did you say?i think i miss heard it"he said

"Ugh!i said! ITS YOU MONKEY D LUFFY AND I LIKE YOU SINCE YOU WERE BEATING ARLONG FOR ME!"i cant believe it,I fell inlove with an idiot

Wait,wait,wait,did I say fell inlove?nope rephrase that,I just like him,right?Yeah,just like..

Oh I forgot to ask him if who is the lucky girl that he likes *sigh* I feel my heart aching,it's like billions of needles are stabbing my heart

"Hey luffy it's my turn to ask"with that,he looked at me and smiled at me
"Oh yeah,sorry I forgot,shishishishishi"there that laugh again

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