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Author's P.o.v

It was a very great day for the straw hat crew,well,except for a certain captain that didn't slept peacefully because of over thinking about an unknown reason..

They were all awake and ready to eat their breakfast,all of the strawhat crew was now sitting at the table to eat their food,it was now 3 minutes late and luffy wasnt in the kitchen,so nami,being curious ,she stood up to call luffy but then suddenly luffy arrived in the kitchen

"What took you so long?"nami asked

"Nothing,just thinking of something"luffy answered emotionleslly

"WHATTT?!"usopp,chopper,sanji,and zoro said in unison,more like shouted

"What,what?"said luffy curiosly

"Luffy,do you have problem?maybe you're troubled with something"usopp said,concerned is written on his face

"Yeah,do you have a problem luffy?or do you have a sick?"chopper said

"O-oi,what do you mean problem?"luffy asked curiously while secretly eating their foods

"Well,being you luffy means you don't think and now,you,thinking about something,maybe it's important"sanji said harshly

"is their a problem luffy?"zoro,his first mate asked seriously

"Nothing,and guys *buurrppp* thanks for the food!NYAHAHAHAHAHA!"luffy laughed hysterically

"W-what?!that's unfair,we didn't even saw you stealing our foods!and why are nami's and robin's food are still there?"usopp said,any minute he looked like his gonna cry like a baby

"Nami will charge a debt at me and Robin,I don't know,maybe she will starve to death? and they are ladies ,NYAHAHAHA"luffy answered and laughed hysterically

-------FAST FORWARD-------


I was now sitting in the thousand sunny's head,my favorite spot.
I want to get off of this island as soon as possible,but I don't know why.

Then I heard a door closed and I looked if who it was.It was Nami,I stared at her,she looks beautiful with her long orange hair and her features are perfect,she has something that attracts me but still,I don't know if what it was.

She then suddenly looked at my direction and smiled at me and waved,with that,I feel warm in my cheeks,what was it?

She was walking towards me and I jumped and walk towards her so I was infront of her..

"Hey luffy,are you alright?you look like your thinking deeply about something"she said,worried was evidence in her voice

"I'm ok,where are the others?"I asked,maybe chopper and usopp is playing hide and seek?

"They are searching for foods again,well,you are in charge of lookout so you're staying here"she explained

"Ohhh ok" what will I do in here?

"Ok,I'm going to natsu right now, yesterday i promised him that I will come back to him" she then turns her back at me and walked

When she said natsu,I felt something sharp and it's like a millions of needles struck in my heart..WHAT IS THIS FEELING?!

But before she walks away,I stretched my hand to grab her hand,when I grabbed her hand I felt her stiffen,with that I pulled her and hugged her,I was hugging her from the back,I don't know if why I did it but it feels like something is forcing me to do it

Then I said "stay with me please, don't leave me" what's wrong with me?my voice and mouth have it's own life,but what I said was true

She then removed my hand that was hugging her,with that I was disappointed but then,she turned around and faced me,she looks like a tomato but still she was grinning widely,and she put her both hands in my neck and hugged me

With that my heart was like filled with horses that was racing

"Sure thing"she said...with only two words I grinned widely that can beat gecko moria's smile (In my mind:CREEPY!but cute)

"So what do you want to do?"she asked me while she was removing her hand in my neck and going to my side while looking at the ocean

"I don't know,maybe let's play something? "(Typical luffy *shaking head left to right*)

She looked at me with her 'are-you-freaking-serious' look and then suddenly her face lit up and she smiled

Is she crazy or something?

"How about Lets play truth or dare,we played it before,with the crew,remember?"she said

"oh yeah,so what's the rules ?"

"Hmmmm..oh I know,when you picked dare you need to do it properly but if not I can punish you whatever I want and when you picked truth,you need to answer it honestly,deal?" She explained while smiling widely

"Deal,lets sit under the tree,you first" i said while staring at her

Nami's P.O.V

"Deal,lets sit under the tree,you first"he said while staring at me,we sat under the tree

"truth or dare?" I asked

"Uhhh,truth"he said

"Ok, uhmmm..uhhh..mmmm..oh i know,where did Bartholomew kuma sent you when we were separated?"

I've been curios since we were reunited ,and now I have a chance to ask him

"Oh that's easy,he sent me to an only girls island,Amazon lily..there are no man in there except me"and he smiled


"did you said,your the only boy in that island?"I said while putting a fake smile..I know that I looked creepy now

"Yeah,oh and there was this empress named Boa Hancock,she was the prettiest of them all and she was the captain of the kuja pirate" luffy said while grinning

With that my blood was boiling that when you touched it,it will melt you..
And did he just said pretty?!he never ever EVER!said that I am pretty!!

"do you like her luffy?!"I said..my voice was raising

"Nope,but the funny thing is,she was asking me to marry her but I reject her offer because I like someone"he said,still smiling like an idiot

Marry?!why is my heart aching?and who does he like?

"Who d-"but before I finished my question he interrupted

"Hey nami,that is unfair..you asked many questions, it's my turn now"

"Oh sorry,ok" I will just ask him later

"Truth or dare?"he asked, his eyes was sparkling

Truth or dare?hmmm..

"Truth"I said to him

"Ok, do you like someone?"he asked out of the blue

Do I like someone? I think the answer is no,wait I think I like someone..
Now I think of it I really like him,but the question is,does he like me back?
What will I do,he just said that he likes someone will I tell him that I like him?but what if he will never talk to me again?!what will I do?!wha-

"Hey nami,answer my question"he said,oops..

"Y-yes"why am I stuttering?!

"Ok another question because you asked me 3 times,so it will be fair for the both of us..the question is who do you like and when did you like him"he asked...oh no!will I tell him?!

"O-ok,it's n-"


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