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Nami's p.o.v

As soon as natsu woke up I hugged him tightly

"I missed you sooo much natsu!!"I hugged him like there's no tomorrow

"C-c-cant b-bre-breathe"he chocked,I mean talked

"Oops,my bad sorry"I let go of him and stared at him

He was so handsome and he looked like he have been working out,last time I saw him,he was thin but not that thin,just thin(author:WHAT AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT ?!HAHA!)

"Its ok, so you remember?how?"he asked me with excitement and a hint of happy in his eyes

"Well you see,when you told me about the navigation books I searched for it,then I saw a book that catch my interest then when I looked at it,it was an album about us"i said while I feel my cheeks heating

"Ohhh...wait?!album?I thought that I hide it in my room?..well at least you remembered"he said

"Yeahhh"I simply said

"Huh?!what happened?!where am I?!"sanji suddenly stood up and talk frantically

"Be quite sanji,we are in natsu's house,remember?"as soon as chopper mentions natsu's name,sanji breaks down

"Why?why him nami-swan?I'm better than that bastard"he whispered,but we all heard him *sweat dropped*

----------fast forward---------

Author's persons view

the whole crew was all back now that the thousand sunny and they were eating their dinner

But something was off,they looked at luffy weirdly because he wasn't eating his foods,he was just poking his food with his fork

they were all silent because of but but nami,being curios,Nami broke the silence

"*EHEM*,Luffy are you alright?"she asked

"Yeah"Luffy said in an emotionless tone while his straw hat was shadowing his eyes

"They why aren't you eating your food or more like gobbling your food luffy-san"brook asked

"I don't know,I think I'm just not hungry "he said,still poking at his food

They all got worried because it was the first time that Luffy wasn't hungry,but they shrugged it off except for a certain long nosed man who was thinking about Nami and natsu

'Why did Nami suddenly hugged natsu and cried?'Usopp thinked

"Huh?that's Interesting Nami,when did that happened?and why did you hugged that natsu guy?"Robin asked while there was a sparkle in her eyes

"What?how did you know that?"Nami asked paranoidly because she didn't want her other crew to know

"Usopp-kun here thought it out loud"Robin said then pointed at usopp

"I did?!Nami will kill me"then Usopp run out the kitchen then gets back in again

"My food isn't finish yet"Usopp said when he receives weird stares at his crew mates,except for luffy

"Well,you really want to know?"Nami asked robin nervously

"Yeah"the older woman answered quickly

She starts telling the story

---when Nami and natsu first met---

Nami's p.o.v

"Did you saw her?"the man asked to his partner

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