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Third persons p.o.v

It was now morning and all the strawhat crew is wide awake

They were scattered everywhere on thousand sunny while doing the same routine every day

After sanji finished cooking their breakfast he immediately called them since he knows how they are always hungry in the morning

"Nami-swan~, Robin-chwan, breakfast is ready~. Hey bastards go get your food here(he said that to his male crew)" It's sanji we are talking about and there's no way he'll treat a men and a women equally.

"Break Fast! I'm hungry! I'm hungry!" luffy shouted through his lungs while running to the kitchen

"You are always starving luffy" usopp was trying to mock luffy but to no avail, luffy didn't heard his remarks.

-----FAST FORWARD-----

Nami's p.o.v

Huh? Who poked me?

I turned around and met luffy's face, Woah! His face was a mere inches away from mine

"Hi nami!" Then he showed me his perfect set white of teeth

"H-hey" What the?! Why did I stuttered a little and Why do I feel like my face is burning? Why is it heating up?

"Nami your face looked like a tomato, shishishishi" This idiot! I'll hate you for tis hmpf!

*Sigh* Why do I convince myself that I am angry with him when I'm really not? What's with this facade?

"Shut up! And what do you need luffy?!" I asked trying to look angry as possible, one wrong move I'm gonna bite his head off.

But ofcoures his idiocy always win.

psh! Idiot!

"You're shouting? Why? And Aren't you coming?" He looked puzzled

He's probably trying to figure out what I'm thinking right now

"Where" I asked like a little child

"In the woods, We are going for an adventure" What's with him and jumping?

"Ok I'm coming" I jumped off of thousand sunny with luffy infront of me

"Wait, Who's gonna stay in the ship?why are we all here? Who's going to protect sunny?" What if someone attack the ship while we're all gone

"So many questions Nami-neechan and we can leave the ship since no one can come in this island except for us and that natsu boy you're talking about" Franky said in matter of fact tone

That makes sense, even I did not see it coming. The question in my head is still unanswered, about the logpose and this island.

"Ok what are we waiting for? Let's go guys!" luffy is really eager with adventuring doesn't he?

~~~20 minutes later~~~

"Do you guys know if where we are heading to? " I stopped my track and asked them, They stopped walking as well.

"Nope, Just adventuring" Luffy answered proudly

"What the? So we've been walking for nothing?" This is getting annoying since my Feets are aching

"No we are walking because we are adventuring" Chopper doesn't have any idea about this whole thing

Ugh! Who's in charge of this whole adventuring thing anyway?

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