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It was a nice day and all the strawhat crew was in the thousand sunny doing nothing until someone came

"Excuse me,is nami in here?"natsu asked to the blonde cook

All of the crew was now looking at the orange haired boy who was looking for his love

"Yes,why?do you need something to my nami-swan?" sanji said while glaring daggers at the orange haired boy

"Well,she promised me yesterday to come in my house but she did'nt come,im just worried about her.can you call her for me?im going to tell her something important" natsu said,not noticing about sanji's glare at him

"Nami's fine and she's busy making a map so i think you can come later"sanji said,not allowing natsu to see nami because of jealousy

"Its really important please,just this once"natsu begged

"Its ok cook-san navigator-san is done making her map,ill just call her for a sec"said the archeologists

"Hai!robin-chwan if thats what you want ~~~"sanji said while dancing his noodle dance and turning on his love mode on..they all sweatdropped at sanji

"Tch!idiot swirly-brow cook"zoro said,not liking sanji's attitude

With that,sanji heard what zoro said and stopped his noodle dance and tried to challenge zoro

"What did you say moss-head?!wanna fight?!"sanji said while clashing their foreheads

"Game on dartboard!" And with that they started fighting again


Why can't i forget about the kiss?it was just a dare right?and why did i feel butterflies in my stomach while kissing him?and most of all WHY DID I LIKE IT!? His lips is like a drugs,i want more

Do i like him? Of course not haha,but do i?nope definitely not because i think i just dont like him,i think i love him
But does he love me back?thats the real question

But what about natsu?do i still like him?i do not feel the same way about him anymore so that means i dont like him anymore..don't blame me about it,its been so many years and there is a very big chance that someone will replace him in my heart..and that someone is luffy

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Hmmm...who could that be?

"Come in"i said,oh its just robin,wonder what she needs

"Do you need something robin?or how about love tips about zoro"i joked.with that she blushed and just smiled at me but i smirked at her

There's no harm on making a joke right?And its true,i think they like each other..I accidentally saw robin staring lovingly at zoro while blushing when we were eating this morning,good thing no one saw it except for me hehehe and when robin was reading,zoro was starting at her lovingly too

"Well thats not about it navigator-san,natsu is looking for you and he is waiting for you downstairs he said he has something to tell you and its very important"she said still blushing

Natsu?oh no,i think its about yesterday!what will i say?

"Ok im coming" and with that,i went to natsu,he was just sitting at the stairs and the others are doing their everyday routine..but where's luffy?maybe he's eating in the kitchen,again..well,nothing to worry..

I went infront of natsu and said

"Hey natsu,im really sorry about yesterday hehe,i was uhmmm doing something important"i said while panicked

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