Chapter 1 - Just the cliches and the dark past

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August 24th, 1981

I live in Brooklyn, I have a nice home, I have 3 brothers and 1 sister and they are all older. My name is Shawn Corey Carter and I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm only 12 years old but I already know my way in the big neighborhood, I got friends, important business friends. I do things for them and they give me money. I buy my own jewelry, even tho my brother tried to steal them from me I stopped him, with a bullet on his sholder. He is now recovering in my living room and I'm grounded, but that doesn't stop me from going out on the streets. 

'Hey Shawn, wassup man?! You got something for me?' That was Otis, he was the older one of us. He saw potential in me just like he saw in my brothers. 

'I always do, you know that!' I said handing him the package that had all the money from the drugs I sold. He counted them and looked proud. He gave me a smile and handed me only five notes from all he had on his hands

'Here you go' he said handing me the money

'Oh, man, what's that? You got all that? I need more than this!'

'I'm sorry lil buddy, maybe when you grow up a little more, but good job'

April 12th, 1986

It's been a while since I'm on that business. And right now, i'm starting to back down a little bit, things are getting tough. But there is nothing really that is going to make me get out of there. I make too much money. I'm not the most important man to the boss, but I'm ok, i'm good, as long as I give him money.

But still there is something in the back of my head that screams every time I'm on a mission. And this day it rang even harder. That day I received a message from Otis, saying that there was a traitor and that we had to get rid of him. I got the address and when I got there, I didn't like at all what I saw. It. It was my brother's address and from where I was standing I could see my nephew, my 5 year old nephew and on the other side a car arrived. I knew what was gonna happen, I ran to my nephew and to my brother but it was too late in the middle of gun firing the police arrived and it was a whole confusion. I had blood in my hands and my brother screaming at me

'SHAWN COREY CARTER! YOU KILLED MY SON! YOU BETTER DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE BEFORE I MAKE MY MOVE!' He was all red with the blood and I could see the pain in his eyes and when I got a look at my nephew again I jut stopped, the whole noise around me just went away, some people were taking me away, but I didn't care. Now my brother was really away, still holding his son and I was sitting in a chair of a police department.

'So Shawn Carter, we've been after you for a while' Said the Chief of the police department of New York city. I didn't look up, I was looking at my hands and the blood, now dry blood, that was in it,  'My name is Matthew Smith and son, you got yourself in a lot of trouble. How old are you anyway?' I looked up to see the man's eyes, it was dark black and it gave me confidence, because he didn't look like he wanted to put me into jail, it looked like he wanted to help me.

'I'm 17, sir'

'Seventeen uh?! Pretty young, you got a lot ahead of you, didn't you think about that? About what you can do before you joined whatever it is you joined? Didn't you think there was something better for you out there?'

'No sir, I come from Brooklyn. Everybody's destiny is to become what i'm'

'Now that's not true. I'm from Brooklyn too and look where I am now! That's because I went for it, I fought for what I wanted, and what I wanted was to stay away from what happens on the streets after the cops are away!' I looked down again 'Now son, I hope this is a lesson for you. You Jered, lock the kid up'

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