Chapter 4 - Hero Love that saves the day

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(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

I don't know how they found me, I just know that I woke up hearing their steps going up the stairs. John was gone, like always he would beg for money on the streets at this time. I quickly started thinking about a place I could hide, but the room was totally empty, nowhere I could hide. So I decided to run, thorugh my window there were stairs, staris that got me to the first floor. We never usually use them, it would steal too much attention and it was not safe at all. But it was the only choice I had. I climbed down the window to find the stairs a few feet from where I was, it had fallen a little bit

'HEY STOP RIGHT THERE' One of the guys screamed, they gave me courage to jump, but when I did the stairs got loose and I found myself hanging with only one hand. I couldn't let it go, it was too high, I'd die. Out of the window I could see the two guys who were chasing me from the last couple of months. It Kyle and Kith. The double K. You see Kyle was the stupid one, he was just so stupid. But Kith was the lead and he was very smart. But I was smarter than the both of them together, so that's why I was able to escape from them all this time. Right now, they found the place I sleep and I really don't know what's gonna happen to me, but I had bigger things to worry about, like not dying.

(Shawn's P.O.V.)

So after I talked to the boss yesterday, I decided to go to Times Square again, see if I had a glimpse of the girl I was going to have to ''catch''. I waited for a while at a bar, and there she was, hurrying to get to some other place. I followed her quietly until we got to an abandoned building. Apparently it was where she lived.

I waited til the morning so I could warn the others, but a the moment I saw what had happened, I regret what I did. She was hanging from a loose stair on the 6th floor of the bulding, if she fell she would die. I saw that the double K was after her though the stairs, it was then that I had an idea:

'LET HER GO!' I screamed at them, they looked confused 'THE BOSS WANTS HER ALIVE! IF SHE FALLS YOU GUYS ARE DEAD WITH HER!' they looked at each other and agreed, they left the stairs and her alone. While they were leaving the building I locked the entrance so I could help her out without them pissing me off. 

I climbed, carefully, the rest of the stairs so I could get to her. As I got closer she got scared and tried to get away, but as she moves the stairs moved too, one more inch and she would fall

'Look it's alright! I'm here to help you!' I said as I approached closer to her

'No you're here for yourself! So you can get me to the boss! Go away!' She screamed

'Alright, let's make a deal, if you let go, I'll catch you. And I'll you let you run again.'

'That doesn't make sense! Just stay away, I can get out of this alone.'

'Just... Trust me!' At those words she looked at me with disbelief, I don't know if she had ever heard that sentence. She sighed and stepped away and as she did we both heard a *CRACK* and a *BOOM* The stairs had broken and had fallen. But just beofre it did, I grabbed her waist and pulled her from it, we fell a few steps of stairs and she landed right on top of me. 

We stared into each other's eyes for a while, but she got up quickly and looked at the stairs she was hanging.

'Completely destroyed' She sighed

'Yeah, a thank you would be nice.'

'Thanks' She said awkwardly, it seems like she was in a hurry 'You're a real hero' she said ironically before she climbed down the rest of the stairs and continued walking down the streets.

There's soemthing about this girl that keeps me going and een tho she disappeared I'm gonna find her again.


HI y'all! I know it's been a long time since I write soemthing, I saw that you guys kept on commenting on this story so imma continue it, I'd love to finish the other stories but i'm not sure if you guys are still on it, like The Mediator and It's not love, It's obsession so let me know and I'll keep them going.

Thanks for reading anyway!

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