Chapter 10 - I'd pay my life for you

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Author's note: Ok, guys imma need you to remember the first chapter I wrote for this story: Just the cliches and the dark past. Because I didn't write it for nothing, it's gonna have meaning in the story and some of the next parts, from the next chapters is only gonna make sense if you read and remember the first chapter. So if you don't, go take a look, it's really important! :)

(Shawn's P.O.V.)

'SOMEBODY GET HER, NOW!' John screamed, I looked at Bey and she was on the floor protecting herself with her hands on her head, I instantly grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me, I was gonna get her out of here even if it had to take my life away.

Now let me explain what happened back at my apartment, before I became a cop, when I was still in the game, I got really traumatized by shots, especially when there was a gun shot and someone killed my nephew in 86, so after I became a cop I wore my bulletproof vest all the time at all assigments and it turned into a routine, into an addiction. A safe one let's say, so at the funeral as I was meeting my old collegues I decided to wear the vest, so when John met me he shot me in the chest, it did hurt because the bullet comes real strong at you but it didn't kill me because I was protected. BUT he also shot me at the shoulder and as the vest don't cover that, I'm hurt and there blood everywhere, but it's nothing I can't go through.

John  got us cornered with about 5 men, he kept screaming that he wanted her but that they coudl kill me. As she was still mad at me she was trying to do things by herself, which wasn't working.

'Look, you gotta trust me so we can get out of this!' I said to her while looking in her eyes and I coudl see them tear up

'Shawn, I don't.... I can't!'

'No please! Bey, I love you please! You with me?' She looked at me for a second, there was no time, It was the longest seconds in my life, I feared she would say no, but then she smart, she know I could help her and that's all I wanted to do for now, I just wanted to get her out of there, we could figure the rest later.

'No, I don't trust you and we are not together anymore, but I'm desperate, so i'm gonna take your help!' She said all gangsta, I was happy I could help her out now, but something told me it would be hard to make her mine again.

So here is what we did, this was John's basement for guarding his drugs and all the armory he had in containers, some smaller than other, some bigger than others. After John left my house I took almost all the armory I had in the house, which included a granade and a gas bomb, I coudln't use the gas bomb yet because I didn't bring two so Bey would be left out. So I used the grenade. We hid behind one of the containers and when the 5 men and Joh  came to look for us I exploded the place they were in. 6 bodies flew across the basement adn they all seemed to black out so me and Bey after everything was blown away ran across the basement to get to the one door that was the exit.

When we were getting to the door there was something we missed, John. He was waiting at the door, I don't know how the guy did it, he was just there with barely a scar on his face, he probably used a man as shield!

'I'm never giving up on her' He said as he came closer, I suddenly felt liek she wasn't around anymore and when I looked back, she was running and John was very close to me putting his finger on my injury, the pain made me passed out.

(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

When I saw that John was coming my way again I freaked out, I just ran away, I fetl bad on leaving Shawn there, but he lied to me and I'm still mad at him so...

Anyway, I ran as fast as I could but as I looked back I saw that John was hurting Shawn, and that he was laying down the floor. I stopped running, John was taking Shawn's body tot he fire that the granade had caused

'NOOOO! STOP! JOHN NOOOOOO!' John looked at me and smiled, he let Shawn go and started walking toward me again. I was not sure if I coudl run again cuz I ddin't know if John would come back for Shawn if I did, but I had to hide somewhere. So I did run, I was running as fast as I could hiding behind the containers, I could still see Shawn's body from where I was standing and I was making myself as quietly as possible hoping that Shawn would wake up any moment now so we could leave, I definitely wouldn't leave without him.

I could see John's shadow as he walked through the containers trying to find me and as he got closer I would go away and hide behind another container. I was so distracted by his little game of hide and seek, he kept screaming ''Marco'' through the place as if I would scream ''Polo'' back, but I knew he was only joking, I got so distracted that I didn't even notice Shawns body wasn't there anymore, but where was he? I was keeping a watch on John so I knew he didn't do anything to Shawn, but I still got worried.

'MARCO!' Someone other than John screamed, I looked around and next to the exit was Shawn looking for me, I tried to answer ''Pollo'' back but that woudl reveal my location to John. So I followed through the containers a path that would lead me directly to the door without getting caught by John.

When I was close to the door, I looked for his shadow again, but I couldn't see it, my stomach dropped, where was he? Shawn spotted me and he had made loads of signs for me to follow him but I just wouldn't move without knowing where John was.

'C'mon! What are you waiting for? He's coming' Shawn lip sync to me, I decided to just go for it.

Aparrently it was a mistake, when I was getting closer to Shawn and the door I heard John scream and then suddenly I felt this really bad pain in my back that made me fall, that mutherfucker had thrown a knife at me!

(Shawn's P.O.V.)

When Bey started running away to my direction I realized it was a mistake, John had spotted her and now he had trhown a knife at her and she was down on the floor and he was coming for her, My shoulder was really hurt and I coudln't realy move, but something made me go for her. I grabbed a piece of wood that was on the floor, I was coming for John and this time he was gonna be the one going down, I was gonna fight for my love!

'GET AWAY FROM HER!' I said as I hit with the piece of wood, he backed down a little but I kept on hitting him until he was on the floor passed out.

I ran to Bey one more time, she was laying flat with her chest to the ground, the knife was still carved in her skin, I gently took it off. There was a lot of blood, I started freaking out. I turned her around and held her in my arms. She was gasping for breath and there was blood coming out of her mouth, the instant I saw her this way I had a thought that she wouldn't make it and that I was gonna lose her forever. But as long as her heart was still beating I was gonna fight for her. I dragged her outside to take her to the hospital but before I did that, I came back for one last thing.

I took a gallon of gasoline that was on the side of one of the containers and I spread through the basement, than without looking back I threw a litter at it all, those were beautiful flames.


Hope you guys like it! Our story is almost ending!

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