Chapter 6 - Beautiful death

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'Shawn Corey Carter, Shawn Corey Carter, we need you to be here, now, Shawn, are you lsitening? Shawn!'



'We need you in the police office, now!'

'But I thought...'

'Just come'

(Beyoncé's P.O.V)

I took the help, after all, I didn't have anywhere else to live after John went away so I've been living, well msotly just sleeping in Shawn's apartment, during the day he's gone doing whatever he does, and I wlak around the city searching for I don't know what. I'm just that kind of person that can't stay too long at one place, so I just like to go out a lot.

That morning I heard Shawn get up, it was nearly 4 AM he came into his room, I was sleeping in his bed since he insisted not to let me sleep in the couch, and woke me up

'Bey, Bey'

'What? What is it?'

'Imma need to leave for an emergency, ok?'

'What happened?' 

'I don't really know, I just have to go ok? Are you gonna be alright?' I nodded and he left without a word. Something in his voice told me that something was very much wrong and I suddenly got worried, I wouldn't want anything to happen to him, why? Becuase then I wouldn't have a place to crash in, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

You know how I always say that I hate men? So... Shawn is different. He does not give me that disgusting feeling when he touches me, instead I get this butterflies in my stomach. And when he talks to me I don't feel that need of shouting back for him to shut up, I listen and I also talk to him. What does this mean? Am I starteing to trust him? Or am I starting to have feeling for him, I'm really not sure, but I've never felt this way about someone. 

(Shawn's P.O.V)

Someone called me from the office, something really bad must have happened so they can call me at 4 AM and also at a time where I'm on this mission and that I can't be seen anywhere near a police department. I had to warn Bey before I left and when I came into the room she had no blanket on her body, she was only wearing the shirt I borrowed her, so I could see her legs and her panties. That image is gonna stay on my mind for a while. 

She's been living with me for the past couple of days, I'm really glad she accepted part of my help, of course what I had in mind was send her away to another city and give her a 'start over' kinda thing, but she didn't want to live NYC so I could only offer her my apartment and my room. And I'm already greatful she took them. That morning she left my place I couldn't even sleep, I was worried they would catch her, but right now I'm feeling a little beter about the situation. I just hope no one finds out, otherwise I'm dead.

I've been working on the case my chief asked me to work on, and I've found out loads of interesting things for the police, right now I just keep them in file.

I parked in front of the police department and looked around everything seemed quiet. Why did they call me? As soon as I went through the door I realized something was wrong, they were a few people only, it was still really early in the morning, but they were all talking quietly and aparently about something serious.

'Shawn! You're here' My chief said

'Yeah, what's going on, I thought I wasn't suppose to be seen around here'

'Yeha, you see something happened, some down to my office and sit down, we need to talk.'

'What is it chief? Am I not on the mission anymmore? Did I do something worng?' He raised his hands to hush me and I just waited there in silence for the bad news that were about to come

'Shawn, I'm really sorry I'm the one who has to tell you this but...' He stopped for a moment 'Your partner Kanye West was killed in battle'

My stomach dropped, I've never felt such a bad sensation in my life. Ye, he was gone. It took me a while to recover, but the chief kept on talking

'So he was in the middle of a shooting and got hit in the chest, he didn't feel anything buddy, died right there, there was nothing we could do to save him.'

'Who... Who killed him?'

'Now I cannot pass you that information, I'm sorry. I know you Shawn, you'll want to go after...'

'WHO KILLED HIM?' I screamed getting up, I wanted revenge I couldn't leave it like that, Kanye wouldn't want that

'Now Shawn, sit down'

'No' I said firmly 'Who killed him?' I asked for the last time, the chief remained silent 'Fine! If you don't want to tell me, I'll find out by myself!'

'Shawn you need to go home'

'Do they know where I live? Is this related to me? Do they know?'

'No Shawn, it's not realted to you, but yes they might know where you live now, in fact, you got to be more careful now, you might have been spotted coming in here'

'Then why did you call me here? Why coudln't you call me somewhere else?'

'This palce is safer than anywhere else, especiaaly your place right now'

'My place? What are you talking about?'

'We know everything you do Shawn, especially the person you're keeping at your place. Be careful'

After he said that I came out running from the office, I had to get into my car, what if they got to Bey, what if they found her? I'd never forgive myself.

I came as fast as I could, climbed up the stairs running to find the door slightly opened. My heart started racing

'Bey! Bey are you here? Bey!' I called for her but no asnwer, I searched through the apartment, but nothing, she was gone. There was no sign of a strugle and the place was as it was before I left, but something told me that it wasn't ok. it just wasn't. Where was she?


So what do you think: Was Bey captured or not?

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