Chapter 8 - Got an outlaw chick

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(Beyoncé's P.O.V)

After Shawn told me off about going to the funeral with him, I was really intrigued, what was he hiding form me? Or maybe he really doesn't want to be seen with me, i'm an outlaw, you know? But he's an outlaw too, I just really didn't understand.

So what did was, I acted like everything was fine, we made love a few more times and when the dya of the funeral arrived and I saw him on his tux, I decided to follow him

'Now listen Bey, the funeral is not gonna take long, all I want you to do is to stay here ok? Can you do that for me babe?'

'Sure, but it won't take that long right? You know I can't stay locked up in the house for too long'

'Oh no, don't worry, it'll be quick, I just want to say goodbye to my friend'

'Alright, babe take care' I said giving him a kiss

'You too my love, stay here ok?'

'Alright, I got it' He gave me one last look and left the apartment.

I was ready, I grabbed my jacket, forgeting about the promise I made him to stay put and followed him. Now, I didn't have a car like he did, but I knew the place that the funeral was going to be so I figured that taking the subway train to it would be much faster than with a car like Shawn.

I was on my way of finding out what he was up to.

(Shawn's P.O.V.)

I'm really glad Bey understood that I didn't want her to go. Well the reasons are of course the fact that i'm a cop, and Kanye was one tooand that his funeral would be full of cops too. I really don't want Bey to find out, waht would she think? She would definitely be really mad at me and I probably would never see her again.

The thing is, she doesn't even know I'm working with Otis, but she had an idea that is what I did. But being a cop would tottaly blew things. I really don't want to lose her now that things are getting much better between us. I love her so much.

So anyway I took about half an hour with the trafic and everything to get to the funeral. It was a really sad moment in my life, I started picturing all this moment I spent with Kanye, all our laughs and cries together, it was really painful to say goodbye to him, to see such a young man with so much life in him just die.

'Hi Shawn, how are you doing my darling?' It was Kanye's mom, the fact that she came to talk to me and asked if I'M alright meant a lot to me, she was a mother and she lost her son, but she understood what he meant to me.

'Hi Mrs. West, I'm.... you know, shocked. What about you?'

'Yeah you know, I'll never get over this, no mother should be able to bury her own son, no mother...'

'I know, I'm really sorry' After that I just burst into tears and she also did, we stayed hugged for a while, it felt better to be holding soemone, as I had that thought I realized I missed Beyoncé, I should have brought her with me, so I could hold her. Now it's too late.

But as I look around I see there are loads of cops and they are all talking to me and saying their ''sorrys'' as Kanye was my partner so I really thought I made the right decision about not bringing Bey.

(Beyoncé's P.O.V)

It took me 15 minutes to get to the funeral I was sure that Shawn wasn't there yet, so I just waited. While I did I looked around at the peopl that were there and it really scared the hell out of me: cops everywehere, FBI agents, what the hell? Was this the right place? Was I in the right funeral? It must be wrong, Shawn can't be a cop, that would be so worng, he just can't.

 I started thinking: What if he is? It all makes sense, I mean why else would he want to help me? He's getting closer to me so he can use me to get to the boss! No that's crazy Shawn would never...

Just then I saw him walking to the funeral, my heart sank. I couldn't stop watching him, I just couldn't believe it was true how could he trick me like this? I knw it! I knew I should never turst anyone! EVER!

I watched him, with tears in my eyes while his collegues greeted him and payed their respects. I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to run, I had to run before it is too late. I grabbed my stuff and I took the next subway train to Shawn apartment to get the rest of my stuff

When I open the door the place seemed empty, I go to the room and then I heard a noise, someone wlaking in, I hid myself behind the curtains and listened carefully. 

'She's not here, let's go!' I heard a guy say and then I heard a door slam, they were gone.

I finish taking my stuff but when I go to the living room...

'How long have I been waiting for this uh? Beyoncé!' The boss said

'John' I said in a whisper, I was the only one who actually knew his real name, I tried to see a way out but there were none, this was it.

'Get her now! Before she runs a way again!' About 3 guys came to get me, I started fighting, I guess John forgot he was the one that taught me how to kick ass. After I was done with those 3 more kept coming and coming and I coudl handle anymore, I felt something hard on the back of my neck and then everything was black I had passed out.


Ok now we got to the best part of the story! Now that Bey had been captured how is jay gonna find her and save her? And when/if he does will she accept his help now that she knows that he lied to her?

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