The stages of your daughter.

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Since the day you gave birth to your precious daughter Bianca, Justin had promised to keep her safe from anything in harms way and he ment anything...

Age 3

When Bianca was 3, Justin was honestly obsessed with his baby girl. Having a little caramel baby made by you and him walking around, made him melt. Everytime you'd see Justin, Bianca had to be around somewhere. He'd take her everywhere, he honestly loved her to bits. Same thing goes to Bianca, she was the true definition of Daddy's girl, you were lucky enough to even lay a simple kiss on your husband.

Bianca looked up to Justin so much. She'd love how he would always shower her with all his full attention. She also liked how Daddy would take the cookies from the high shelfs Mommy would hide from the both of them. Bianca loved her father to piece even after being only 9 months.

Age 6

At the age of 6 is where Bianca became obsessed with Justin. She'd always follow behind him and do everything he did. Everything Justin wore, she wanted to wear something similar to what he had like this one time you guys went to the store,

Justin bought a pair of jeans with a grey hoodie and one random snap back. As soon as Justin threw that in the cart, she turned to you with a pouted lip. "Mommy, I want what Daddy's buying."

You looked down at her and smiled, "But baby this is a men's store. There's no girl's clothing here." You explained. Soon after, Justin had already walked off.

She crossed her arms, "Mommyyy.. It don't matter, I want what Daddy buy." She complained. You shook your head, and she started crying immediately.

"B, you better stop crying. Your making a scene." You warned, picking her up and placing her on the side of your hip. "But Mommy! I want the stuff Daddy got!" She cried, and started thrusting her body backwards and you placed your hand on her back.

You side eyed her, "You better stop crying now, before I give you something to cry about Bianca." She started calming down, because she know Mama don't play.

You placed her down and you pointed your finger at her, "Did I hit you?" She shook her head while rubbing her eye.

"Did I yell at you?" She shook her head. "I want to hear you."

"No, Mommy." She spoke. "Then stop crying, Now let's go find your dad, he's probably looking for us." Then you walked off with her.

At the end of the day, Justin like the idiot he was, he bought her the outfit. Of course you were pissed but he made it up to you that night ;)

Age 11

At the age of 11 is where Bianca starting to became a much well known spoiled princess, she'd always want this and want that. Justin had no problem with that but you did.

You didn't like the fact that he was spoiling her so much, giving her so much things and she didn't have to work for it.

So, everytime she recieved anytype of gift you'd take it away and made her work for it. There for becoming the age where she preferred Daddy over Mommy. But you didn't care at all, you weren't about to have a kid that thought they could have anything handed to them, no sir.

Age 13

13 was the age of pure torture in other words, the period stage for your baby girl. When it first came you weren't home, you were out being a mom and getting groceries.

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