Chapter 22

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Sorry this is a short chapter hope you like it so far please tell me what you thing and please vote thanks for reading 😊❤

Chapter 22

(One moth later)

Kirsty POV

After having my baby the doctor told me it was a boy, he asked me what I what to name him. Anthony sierra I told the doctor and as he filled out Anthony's birth, certificate that was a week ago Anthony is now a week old. It has bean hard for me to look after Anthony I am so happy, Isabella and my parents are helping me.

Isabella POV

I have helped Kirsty take care for Anthony I must admit he looks, a lot like Jayden I can tell it up sets Kirsty every time she looks at Anthony. She loves Anthony to death but he just remind you of Jayden, he looks so much like him and I can tell that hurts Kirsty so much.

Jayden POV

It has bean 6 moths since I have heard from Kirsty I, am really worded about her. But she is most likely dancing non stop or resting up I miss her so much.

Wills POV

Jayden is worrying about Kirsty to much I want to tell him but, if I do Kirsty will not trust me again maybe I should tell home in a year. Or two or maybe I should just keep my moth shut .

Kirsty POV

It has bean a long week I swear baby's are so cute but they can be annoying it's so hard to look after a baby I didn't think it would be this hard I wounded how Jayden is doing or how thing would be if I told Jayden before I spent most of my day cleaning, washing, looking after Anthony or sleeping. It is 11:30pm and I have not sleep since 8:30pm last night I finale got Anthony to stop crying and then I went to bed

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