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You head a phone ring it was Jayden phone he answered his phone it was his manger, you looked at your phone to see what the time was the time was 6:45am. So you got up and walked into the kitchen at get breakfast because you could not get back to sleep, Jayden was in the kitchen talking to his manger he didn't seam happy. You got you toast and when back to your room You got into bed, Jayden was of the phone he walked in the room "what's wrong Jayden." I sad "nothing beautiful" Jayden reply with " no babe tell me" you sad "ok well the boys and I have to leave tonight I am so sorry, you know how work is" Jayden sad "it's ok Jayden I under stand work is work you better get backing then" you sad. "I will get the boys and keeda up now we will pack our stuff and the we all will have a day out" Jayden sad not looking so happy. "you do that then I will get heady and get the others up so they can get ready" you sad, you got ready and got the girls up and told them all to get ready "why do we have to get up now" Ally asked "because the boys and Keeda are leaving to night and Jayden what to take us all out before they leave" you say. "Why are they leaving tonight" Daniella ask " I don't know Jayden just told me that it was work" you sad, "what time are they leaving" Lizzy ask "I don't know yet I dot think they have booked yet" you sad. "Are you going Kirsty" Faye asked "I don't think so Jayden has not ask me or told me and I would have to tell my parent" you sad, "If he asked you what are you going to say Kirsty" Laura asked "I don't know I would love to go but I have to see what my parents say but they would yes but I don't know if I would what to go" you told them. "Why" they all asked "because I have not seen his family in like 5 year and I don't know if they will like me now, because how much I have Chang and I don't what him to loose fans because of me that's why" you told them. Everyone was all read to go out Jayden firstly took everyone to billowing, You liked billowing but you have not played in 3 years everyone have there go no one had got a strike. you were hoping you could still play as good as you use to you picked up you ball and got ready to have your turn, the ball was rolling down the ball hit all the pin's down you were so happy Jayden got up and picked you up and spun you around as saying "go babe first strike" you laugh " haha yer I going to beat you all hehe jokes" you sad. The game finished 30 miners later you looked at the sheet to see who won, "Kirsty you won" Zach sad "did I yay haha" you relayed with. You all took the shoes back and got into the car "ok Luna park here we come" Jayden and Julian sad. You arrived at Luna park all you could her is scream girls and it was not from the rids "omg look it is the collective" one girl sad as running up to the boys, the boys were nice and got photos with all of them one girl went up to Jayden and asked "hey Jayden can I get a photo with you and your girlfriend." "Yes you may Kirsty babe come here a fan what's to get a photo with us is that ok" Jayden sad, "Yer why not" you sad the little girl smiled after you got your photo with the girl she turned around and sad "your really pretty I am so happy for Jayden." "Aw thanks beautiful" you sad as she went back to here mum. You got in line to the bumper care everyone had there own car you looked at Jayden and sad "your going down babe" "keep dream babe" Jayden sad, the ride stared the first person you run the car into was Jayden then Will and so one you keep going until you hit everyone. You have the hang of the car as everyone was having trouble the rid end you got of and try to find another ride, you had bean on all the rides and it was time to go back to your beach hose to pick the boys and Keeda's stuff up you got back and help Keeda and the boys put there stuff in the car. You got your stuff all ready to because you and the girls had to go home, "hey Kirsty would you like to come with us" Jayden asked you looked at the girls and sad "I would love to but I don't know if mum and dad will let me you know what they like but I will call them and ask" you sad as getting your phone out of you handbag. you stared to call your mum she answered "hey mum the boys are going back home and Jayden asked me if I want to go but I sad I would have to ask you can I go please mum" you asked your mum hoping she will say yes as she know you and Jayden are dating, "I don't see why not" mum replayed with "yes thanks mum I love you tell the family I sad hey and I miss them" you sad "ok tell Jayden and the boys and Keeda and the sierras family we all sad hello" mum sad. "Ok mum got to go bye mum I love you" you sad back "ok bye love you to, I hope you have a lot of fun" mum sad as I was about to hang up. You walked back over to the car "well can you come babe" Jayden sad as everyone was Waiting to here if your aloud to go or not, "I am so sorry guys but it looks like you will be putting up with me for a while" you sad "YES" they all sad. you all got into the car and stared driving to the airport it was about 7:30pm when you got there all the fans were waiting for the boys and Keeda, a lot of fans knew that you were Jayden girlfriend so they asked for photos after you sad good bye to all the fan and the girls you got on the the plain. The plain stared and it took off into the sky you landed in Sydney at 9:00pm there were only a cupel of fans because it was to late for them. Trent was staying at Will's house and Zach state with Keeda as for Jayden, Julian and I we all stared at Jayden's we got back to Jayden's house at 9:30pm. When you waked in the door you saw the sierra family "hey Kirsty nice to see you" John and Kerry sad "hello nice to see you guys again the family sad hello by the way" you sad. Trent, Austin and Mia can around the corn with Bella "hey guys how are you" you asked "were good how are you Kirsty" they all sad "I am good thanks for asking nice to see you guys" you sad. After you sad all your hello's Jayden show you to his room "this is my room were we will be sleeping" Jayden sad "nice room babe" you sad as Jayden gave you a huge, the boys delicious that they would do the twitted cam tomorrow night as it is to late and you guys just what to go to bed. You got read for bed and got in to bed with Jayden "night beautiful" Jayden sad as going to kiss you, "night babe" you sad kissing back you fell asleep in Jayden nice worm muscle arms.

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