Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

( one week later Christmas day)

Jayden's POV

Kirsty stay up late so all of us can open our gifts together

Kirsty POV

I was Skye Jayden and it was only 5mints until we, could open each others gives we got for each other.

Convection between Kirsty, Will, Trent, Julian, Zach, Jayden (K-Kirsty W-Will T-Trent Ju-Julian Z-Zach Ja-Jayden)

Ja: "Hey babe ready to open your present I got you."

K: "Yes I am so excite I can not Waite."

Ja: "Well 11:00am what time is it there?"

K: "Its 2:00am hear so go a head and open."

Ju: "Dips opening it fist."

K: "Ok Julian of you go."


K: "Haha all good Ally and Lizzy got one each, to so they are going with you."

Ju: "Kirsty your the best I could kiss you right now but, I got Ally and you got Jayden haha."

K: "Haha I am happy you like the ticks."

Ju: "Not like Kirsty love."

W: "I am opening my next."

K: "Ok than."

W: "OMG haha I got a bat man out onesie yes thanks Kirsty."

K: "All good."

T: "Me next."

K: "Go a head."

T: " YAY I got Kit Kat and a bunny onesie thanks Kirsty."

K: "All goo I hade tubule on what to get you haha."

Z: "my turn."

K: "Ok."

Z: " I got a choker YAY I have wanted on if this thanks Kirsty."

K: " I am happy you like it."

Ja: "My turn."

K: "Ok babe."

Ja: " OMG I got VIP to see the script thanks babe."

K: "All good."

All: "Now it's you turn to open the present we got you."

K: "Ok I will open them in order of who open mine."

Ju: "YAY your opening mine first."


Ju: "I happy you like them."

K: "I love them"

W: "Open mine next."

K: "Ok."

W: "YAY."


W: "I am happy you like them you have a tick left over so you can pick who you what to go with."

K: "I love them tanks will."

T: "Open mine now."

K: "Ok."

T: "Yay."


T: "Haha I am happy you like them you can pick who you want to take."

K: "Thanks Trent."

Z: "Open mine now."

K: "Ok."

Z: "Yes"


Z: "All good Kirsty I hope you don't mind then the four, of us boys just got you VIP ticks you can take who you want to see Olly Murs."

K: "No I am happy I what to see them all thanks boys."

Ja: "Open mine babe."

K: "Ok babe."

Ja: "I hope you love it."

K: "OMG JAYDEN I love it."

Ja: "Yay I got it so you and open the locket and put photos of us or other people you love in the hart locket."

K: "Babe I just what to kiss you right now."

Ja: "Me too."

K: "I will were it every day."

Ja: "I love you babe."

K: "I love you too I better go not its getting late."

Ja: "Ok babe bye."

The other 4boys "Bye Kirsty."

End of Skype video call

Jayden POV

We finish opening up our present and have such a fun day, I bet it would be better if Kirsty was hear. When we finish at home we went, to see our family.

Kirsty POV

After I end the Skype call I ran to the toilet and I was sick, I went to the doctors to what was wrong with me. After about 20min the doctor cam up to me, to tell me what was wrong with me.

Convection between Kirsty, doctor (K-Kirsty D-Doctor)

D: "Hello miss Lang we have found out what was wrong with you."

K: "What is it doctor."

D: "Congratulation miss Lang your three moth pregnant," The doctor sad as handing the the paper.

K: "Ok thank you" I sad as taking the paper, he hand me and went back to my room.

OMG I can not believe I am three moths and I didn't know. I can't tell Jayden it will ruin his career I can not do that to him or the other boys I packed up all my stuff I told my dancing teacher she under stood she sad when I am ready to dance again there is one in Melbourne and she has move me there to fish of my four years and I go when I am ready to go back I thanked her and got on the fist plan I could going back to Melbourne it was 10:00pm when I got back home my mum was in the lounge room watching the news

Convection between Kirsty, Mum (K- Kirsty M-Mum)

M: "Kirsty what are you doing hear I thought you were, in London doing your dancing what happen."

K: "Mum I am so sorry I came back because I am pregnant."

M: "Oh sweet come here its ok who's the father."

K: "Jayden."

M: "Are you going to tell him you back now and his going to be a father"

K: "No I will Waite until the 4 years are over than I will tell him."

M: "But Jayden has a right to know."

K: "I know but I don't what me or the baby to get in his way."

M: "Ok how are we going to do this because ever time the boys are down Jayden states hear most of the time."

K: "I don't know yet I will think of something but no one can know I am back home."

M: "Ok if that's what you want you better go get some sleep."

K: "Ok mum night."

M: "night."

I went up stairs to my room and went to bed.

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