Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

(The day we leave Queensland to go to Sydney)

Jayden's POV

We have spent a week in Queensland and now we are heading, back to Sydney an we all well be staying at our hose. (TC boys house)

Trent's POV

We go to the air port at 12:00pm and our plan dose not stare, boarding until 12:20pm so we hade to Waite 20min. To board the plan and than 10mins until take off but I, still had Isabella with me plus the others and a couple of fans.

Isabella POV

As we were waiting to board the plane I sat with Trent and the others, there were a couple of fans at the air port They were very sweet and kind.

(At Sydney air port)

Julian's POV

When we land we sad our hellos to as many fans as we, could and head back to our house.

Will's POV

When we got back to our hose we all unpacked our bags, it was good to have my room all to myself.

Zach's POV

Because we are back home I can final see keeda and I have my room, back I don't have to share it with Will and Julian.

Kirsty's POV

I was in Jayden room for while we were in Sydney. It's 5:30pm Jayden and Zach went out to get things for dinner. I got a call from the dancing studio university in London called 'dance your hart out' (p.s I mad all that up 😊)

Convection between Kirsty and Dance studio( K-Kirsty D-Dace studio)

D: "Hello I was wording if I can please talk to Kirsty Lang please."

K: "speaking."

D: "Hi my name is Caitlin I am from the dancing company dance your hart out and we would love to have you in our dancing company."

K: "OMG really"

D: "yes we would we start in three weeks do you think you can make it in that much time?"

K: "Yer I should."

D: "ok that's great see you when you arrive."

K: "ok thank you so much"

End of phone call

Convection between Kirsty, Will, Trent, Julian and Isabella (K-Kirsty W-Will T-Trent J-Julian I-Isabella)

I: "who was that?"

K: "you know that dancing studio I apply for."

I: "Yer did you get in?"

K: "Yes."


W: "Wait what is going on?"

K: "ok well before I finished school I applied for a Dancing company and they have accepted me."

J: "that's great Kirsty were is the studio so we can visit you?"

K: "Umm well....."

T: "Well what, what's wrong Kirsty."

K: "Well you see the dancing studio is in London."

T: "Oh how long are you going to be there for?"

K: "four years and I am leaving in three weeks."

W: "What four years and your leaving before Christmas, Christmas is like 4 weeks."

J: "What about us or Jayden and your family."

K: "I know I am pretty sour that Jayden will under stand I have bean, talking about this ever since I was a little girl."

W: "How are you going to tell him."

K: "I don't know."

I: "don't worry Kirsty Jayden will under stand."

K: "I hope so."

I ran up stairs and texted my mum and dad telling, them I got in to the dance studio.

Zach's POV

When Jayden and I got back home with dinner we sat at the dinner table, everyone was taking like normal but Kirsty was not saying a word at all. But later she went to Jayden's room to tell him something the others told me about what, happen when we were out getting dinner.

Jayden POV

At the dinner table Kirsty was really quintet, Kirsty tolled me that she has something to tell me something. So we went up stairs, to my room so we could be alone.

Kirsty POV

I am going to tell Jayden now he needs to know.

Convection between Kirsty and Jayden ( K-Kirsty J-Jayden)

J: "babe what's up."

K: " you know that dancing studio I have all was talked about?"

J: "Yer what about it."

K: "Well I have bean accepted"

J: "that's great babe when do you go how long are you gone for."

K: "I am going in three weeks and I am going for four years."

J: "Your leaving a week before Christmas and I wan't see you for four years."

K: "I know babe I am sorry but we can still Skype, call and texted I will think about you all the time I will miss you."

J: "Babe I will miss you two."

K: "Aw babe your so cute."

J: "So what are you going to do now."

K: " well I all stay for the rest of the week than I will go home, pack all that things I will need. Then leave that week than I will, have a week of looking around."

After Jayden and I finished talking we went to bed

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