Chapter 4

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Why was he so fixated on getting to know me? I was just like any other girl in the classroom. The only thing being different was that I didn't have an Australian accent. He was making it out to be like we've been friends for a while now and he wanted to take the next step with me, but that wasn't what it was like at all. He was still a stranger to me.

"I'm not doubting you yet, but why do you want to do this? Again, like I said; I've only just met you. Still oblivious to anything about you," I said.

"This interview didn't tell you anything?" he smiled.

"All I pretty much got out of it is that you're in a band. For all I know, you're some crazy killer disguised as a hot high school student." Shit. I babbled. I called him hot. Five minutes were still left in the class. I regretted it the minute I said it and opened my book and read. After a minute, I could still feel his stare, so I looked back up at him. "What?" I asked. I could feel my cheeks burning.

"You think I'm hot?" he smirked, crossing his toned arms in front of his chest.

"Okay, that just popped out. I didn't mean that. I was just saying that," I stopped myself because I knew I was only going to make myself look more awkward. Just read your book, Jules. Don't pay any attention to him, just read. Your. Book.

"I'm sure that wasn't what you meant, babe," he smirked and turned his body so we was resting his back against the chair, facing the front of the classroom. I don't know why, but I got angry. Maybe it was his over-self-confidence that made him think he could put me under his spell or his cheekiness about this whole "hot" misunderstanding because I certainly did not want to think he was hot but the more I convinced myself to think otherwise, the more I thought he was and it was bothering me.

I sat up in my seat and turned to look at him. He was still facing the front of the classroom with a wide, closed-mouth smile. "Listen. I don't know who you think you are and why you think you can make me attracted to you, but I'm not, and it's not going to work, so you can go ahead and turn off your charm and leave me alone, okay? Because I'm not going anywhere with you."

He looked at me and smirked, amused by my outburst. "Who said I'm trying to make you attracted to me? Sorry babe, but that's not my fault; that's all you. I'm just being polite to a beautiful girl," he said with a grin, knowing it would piss me off.

"Stop with that! Jesus," I groaned and rolled my head back so it looked at the ceiling, covering my face with my hands, which had become clammy due to this whole uncomfortable class period.

"Hey, I'm just being myself. It's not my fault" The smile he smiled showed hurt and it pained me. I didn't want to be the cause of that sad smile. I was starting to feel guilty for being firm with a boy I barely know but he was right. It wasn't his fault. Never had I felt so frustrated over a boy, aside from the boys I read about in books. Was this what it was like to crush on a boy? I definitely wasn't unattracted to him, but I didn't want to get attached. I was interrupted from my thoughts when the bell rang. 

I grabbed my shoulder bag and book quickly with one hand and the questionnaire sheet with my other. I walked up to Mrs. Elling to hand her my paper, but she didn't accept it.

"Oh no, darling. You're keeping those for yourself. If you bring it to the mid-year exam, you get extra credit," she smiled. I nodded and said "Okay," and walked out the door. I was so focused on getting out of that classroom, hoping to avoid Ashton that I kept my head down and walked out as fast as I could, only to bump into someone's back as I turned to the left outside of Mrs. Elling's door. I mumbled sorry, and looked up at the person as they turned around. He was about six feet tall and had purple-ish, pink-ish hair. He had mysterious eyes that were a mix of green and light brown. I glanced in front of him and saw Ashton laughing with a different boy with dark brown hair, tanned skin and dark brown eyes. He caught my gaze and smiled, as if I didn't flip out at him a minute earlier.

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