Chapter 30

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Luke and this mysterious girl caught Ashton and me watching. I turned back quickly to avoid contact but it was already too late, the two of them were standing at our booth. Ashton's face wore a smile, probably because he knew Luke was no longer a threat to our relationship.

"Hey guys." Luke smiled at the two of us.

"Hi," Ashton and I said in unison. "Who's your friend?" Ashton added, nodding his head towards the girl. Her strawberry blond hair was pulled up in a ballerina bun, a light layer of bangs framing her face, subtle makeup on her eyes and a sweet smile curving on her lips. A short, light blue dress with floral designs wrapped around her tiny waist. I hate to say it but she was stunning.

Luke looked at her, a smile on his face and back at us. "This is Anastasia." He hadn't mentioned there being a love interest in his life. Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret before things got serious between them?

She gave him a playful pout. "Lu, you know I hate my full name." A giggle escaped from her lips and she turned her gaze away from him and smiled kindly at us. "Call me, Ana." I had heard her name before in a lot of stuff; Fifty Shades of Grey, that movie 'Anastasia' everyone mistakes as a Disney movie. She actually kind of looked like her but with lighter hair.

"That's a beautiful name," I said, managing to keep a cold tone from coming out in my voice.

"Do you guys want to eat with us? We have some room." I shot Ashton a look as he welcomed them to our booth but he didn't notice for he was too busy sliding farther in his seat to make room for them.

"Are you guys sure...?" Luke cocked his eyebrow at me. He must've seen my wide-eyed look towards Ash.

"Yeah, why not? This is the second girl I've seen you with since I joined the band, mate." He was having too much fun with this. He was probably seeing this as some sort of victory. That there was no more supposed 'competion' for him to have me. I loved seeing how much he wanted me in his life but not to the extent he was pushing it.

Luke gave me a cautious look when Ana piped in. "We'd love to! You're like the second pair of friends of Luke's I've met." I sucked in a sharp breath as I slid in my seat and Luke made his way next to me.

Ana's eyes looked hurt that Luke didn't make an effort to sit with her but she eventually made her way next to Ashton which I wasn't too happy with either.

"So you've already met a few of Luke's friends?" Ashton asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah. They were...." She pinched the bridge of her nose as she thought. "I'm so bad with names. Michael and Kyle I think?"

"Calum," I snapped. Why was I so hostile towards her? I'd literally only known her for two minutes and I was already starting to dislike her. I didn't grow up with many girl friends as a child. Maybe a few arranged play dates with someone my mom had set up with her co-worker's children but none really made an impression on me. Caleb was the only person I'd grown to be friends with and that was enough.

"Did you guys already order?" Luke asked. I felt his head turn back and forth to Ashton and me.

"Yeah but it was right when you guys walked in. I can call Ellen back over?" Ashton replied and was waving his hand at Ellen before they could respond. "Do you guys know what you want?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to order, are you?" Ana furrowed her eyebrows as she scanned through the menu, ignoring Luke's question.

Ellen reached our table and pulled out her notepad. "What now, Irwin?" She smirked. "Are these two eating with you?"

"Yeah." Ashton smiled his cheeky smile at her, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Alright, what can I get for you?" She readied her pen to the paper and waited for their orders.

"You go first," Ana said, looking up quickly at Luke and back at the menu. Her index finger and thumb pinching at her bottom lip.

"Okay, I'll have the chicken parm please. Thank you."

"Alright and for you, miss?"

Ana furrowed her brows one last time and handed the menu to Ellen. "I'm sorry, I won't be eating anything."

"Are you sure? You need to put some fat on those bones of yours," Ellen joked. Everyone's cheeks flushed red at her comment. Ana was a very skinny girl, it was an obvious fact to state but from the way her face fell, there must've been a reason for that.

"I had a quick bite to eat before I arrived. Maybe next time," she smiled weakly and looked down at her lap.

"Okay, I'll bring the food out in about ten minutes," Ellen, clearly flustered scurried off to the kitchen and leave us be.

"I'm sorry about that," I built up the courage to say.

Ana looked up and smiled. "It's okay. It happens a lot, even with my own family." She smirked at Luke and he chuckled. My stomach knotted at their subtle interaction. Why was I feeling this way? This wasn't me. I had a boyfriend who loved me very much and I loved him so why was I jealous of another relationship?

"Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom," I said and waited for Luke to awkwardly shift himself out of the booth so I could leave. I scurried across the restaurant and into the door labeled with the stick figure in a dress. The bathroom here wasn't one that had stalls but was just a simple bathroom like you would have in your own home. After locking the door, I pressed my palms against the sink and took a deep breath. What was it I was feeling and why was I feeling like this?

Maybe because Ashton and I have been so shaky in our relationship lately, I'm envying any relationship that isn't ours. He and I talked about Charlie's lies, kind of about Luke not being an issue but I had a feeling that deboggle would never be settled between us.

I looked up in the mirror at my reddened cheeks. Turning the cold water knob, I let the water spurt out into my palms and lifted the water to my cheeks in hopes it would relax me in some way.

There was a knock at the door as I turned the water off.

"One second!" I called and pulled some paper towels out of the dispenser to pat my face and dry it with.

When I opened the door, Luke was there resting his shoulder on the doorframe. I jumped back and placed my hand on my chest to catch my breath.

"Jesus, you scared me!" I exclaimed, a little laugh following after.

"Sorry," he blushed. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. You seemed kind of frazzled that Ana and I were joining you. We didn't mean to intrude on your date..."

"No, it's okay. I just didn't know you had a girlfriend." I smiled, at least I thought I did. For all I know, I was sneering.

His face twisted in confusion and he crossed his arms over his chest. "What do you mean?" A smiled tugged at the corner of his lips as he spoke.

"You and Ana obviously. Who else?"

He looked down, shaking his head and chuckled. "Wow."


"It's nothing," he chuckled out.

"No, tell me!" I smiled. "Is she not your girlfriend?"

"Why are you so curious to know?" He leaned his shoulder against the door frame again and raised an eyebrow in amusement.

He was right. Why did it matter to me? "Well, us being best friends and all, I think I should know," I said.

His eyes smiled along with his mouth at my awful comeback. "C'mon, let's get back to the table." He leaned up from the door frame and started making his way back to the table.

"You're not gonna tell me who she is?" I said trying to not show my frustration. He kept strolling along back to the table and I huffed in annoyance and followed him.

When we made our way back to the booth, Ashton was in a conversation with Ana, his eyes lighting up when they met mine. Luke slid in the booth first this time so I was now diagonally across from Ashton.

"So then I walked on the banana peel and flopped up in the air in front of at least two hundred people! It was so embarrassing!" Ana laughed and buried her head in her hands.

"God, it sounds it." He shook his head and grinned, shifting his gaze back and forth to me and her.

She positioned her back so it was straight and regained her breath. "So what were you up to?"

I could feel my heart start to beat out of my chest and my eyes widen even though I had nothing to hide. Luke and I just talked in the hallway real quick, no biggie. Ashton's stare also didn't make me feel any less comfortable.

I opened my mouth to speak but Luke was already on it. "Nothing, I just went to the bathroom and she came out the same time I did," he lied or did he? It could've been possible that he did come out the same time or a little before I did and was just waiting for me. That would make sense, right?

"Yeah," I confirmed because for I knew, it was true but Ana didn't buy it. "So how long have you and Luke known each other?" I asked.

She cocked her head to the left a bit and furrowed her eyebrows, a confused smile playing on her lips. "Well, since birth really." Her tone spoke as if I should have known such a detail but how would I know? Luke never really talked about his love life with me.

"So it started as a young lo--"

"Oh look, food's here!" Luke exclaimed and I looked up to see Ellen with a few plates in hand making her way over.

"Chicken parm..." she said reaching across to place the dish in front of Luke. "and fettuccini Alfredo," I mumbled thank you as she put my food down. "Ash, honey. They forgot to make the meatballs so yours is going to take a few extra minutes, is that alright?"

"You know you can never disappoint me, Ellen." Ashton winked and she scoffed, shaking her head and made her way back to the kitchen.

"Shit, Luke I have to go." We all turned our attention towards Ana as she looked through her phone.

"What's going on?" Luke asked, taking a sip of water.

"My mom needs me back at the house to help her with Jeremy."

"Oh, alright I'll drive you home." I started shifting me weight out of the seat so he could leave but she interjected his offer.

"No no no, it's fine. You just got your food. The house is right down the road." She stood up from the booth and adjusted her chestnut brown leather shoulder strap for her purse. "It was great to meet you two." Her smile was kind as she looked at me and Ashton and started to leave the booth.

"Hey, let me give you a ride home. It's way too hot to walk home in this weather." Ashton scooted out of the seat and stood by her side.

"Oh no, I don't want to ruin your lunch. It's fine, really!"

"You said it's right down the road and my food has a little while to come out. It's fine if I bring her home right?" He looked down at me and smiled sincerely. I know he was only doing this because he was a kind person, but I couldn't help but feel kind of irked about it. He makes big fusses about Luke and me and I'm supposed to be nonchalant about him bringing home Luke's potential girlfriend/date, whatever she was?

"Yeah, it's fine. See you in a bit," I said and twirled my fork in the pasta. From the corner of my eye I saw his fique make his way to me and I instantly felt his touch on my cheek as his hand turned my face to him.

"I love you." Smiling a smile that met his eyes, he leaned down and tilted my head up to reach his soft, tender lips. His tongue gradually making its way into my mouth and he places both of his hands on each side of my cheeks. The kiss was lustful and longing and I never wanted it to stop but before I knew it, my hands were pressing at his chest pushing him away. His swollen lips flashed me a smirk and he headed out the door with Ana.

I turned back towards to an extremely uncomfortable Luke. "I'm so sorry for that," I apologized, instantly feeling my cheeks burn up.

"It's alright." He clearly forced a smile and stuffed his face with chicken and spaghetti.

"No, that was incredibly rude of us," I start but he stopped me by putting his hand up, signalling for me to shut up as he chewed.

"Jules, it's really okay." He smiled, this time it seemed more genuine.

"Okay," I blushed. "So are you gonna tell me why you were laughing back there?" I asked.

"Are you gonna tell me why you want to know so bad?" I rolled my eyes at him and took another bite of my pasta, making sure to eat it while it was hot.

"I'm just curious." I mumbled and shrugged. He smiled and shook his head down at his food and cut another piece of chicken. "Stop being such an ass!" I laughed and pushed my hand at his shoulder playfully. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Nope," he said with a full mouth.

"Someone you like?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So you're dating?"


"Luuuke," I whined and pouted.

"Whaaat," he whined back and I smiled at our immaturity.

We were interrupted when Ellen returned to our table with Ashton's food.

"Where'd the kid go?" She asked as she set it down.

"To go drive that girl home," I said.

"You don't think I upset her, do you? I didn't mean for it to come out that way..." Ellen explained.

"No, I think she was fine," Luke answered.

She let out a long breath and smiled crookedly. "Thank god. You kids enjoy your meals."

As soon as she walked away, the bell that rang when someone walked in or out of the restaurant chimed and within seconds, Ashton was back.

"What'd I miss?" he smiled and slid back in the booth, digging into his food without skipping a beat. He seemed a lot more relaxed at the fact that Luke and me were alone together than he usually was but I wasn't going to question it. Hopefully he was actually starting to trust me.

"Oh not too much, just..." I looked up from my plate to smile at him but stopped talking at the sight of pink lips painted on his cheek.

(Hey guys! I know, I've been bad with updating and I'm sorry about that! Report cards/grades are screwing me over and my leg has been hurting a lot lately so I've been going to the hospital.for that. Thank you for being patient though! I love you all :)I imagine Bella Thorne as Anastasia! I'll tag a pic along with the chapter xALSOOO what'd you guys think of Midnight Memories? My favorite songs are Through the Dark, Something Great, Happily and Half A Heart. Comment yours! :))

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