Chapter 6

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I had thought of some questions to ask while I was getting ready earlier, but they had completely slipped my mind. What did I want to know about him? What could I have asked? "What was your favorite baby food?" I really had no clue.

"I don't know; just tell me about yourself," I shrugged after thinking of possible questions that were way too pathetic to ask.

"Well, my name's Aston Irwin; middle name Fletcher. I live with my mom, brother and sister. We have a dog named Indie. Obviously, I love music. I play a variety of instruments, drums being my favorite," he winked. He must have gotten the hint that I liked his arms. I was probably (unintentionally) blatant about it to him. Grinning, he proceeded back to listing things. "I work at KFC, my best mates are Calum, Luke, and Michael. Hopefully, if we make it, I won't be serving chicken long," he chucked. "Video games are fucking amazing; I wouldn't be able to live without them and I'm always happy and wanting a laugh."

I nodded and came up with something quick for a response. "Were they the ones who set this up?" I said, glancing at the picnic. "Are they in your band?"

"Yeah they were and yeah, they're in the band. Cal plays bass and Mikey and Luke play guitar and they all do vocals for the band."

"What about you?" I asked.

"What about me?" He leaned back on his hands, legs stretchered out with a smile on his face.

"Do you sing?"

"In some songs I pipe in but not much, no. I'm not that great," he chuckled.

"Well you must be at least somewhat good if they allow you to sing some parts in songs," I teased. For some reason, this conversation was intriguing. If he sang, I wanted to hear him.

He laughed and looked down as if embarrassed. I smiled at his sudden shyness. It was adorable when he got like this. "Sing me a song," I smiled.

"Look me up on YouTube. I have a couple channels with me singing," he suggested, clearly stating he wasn't going to sing out in the open or just sing in front of me.

"Okay, um..." I tried to think of other things I could ask to keep the conversation going. "Where does your dad live? You mentioned you only with with your mom and siblings."

"And dog," he smiled but it faded as he processed my question. His cheekiness gone, a serious tone taking its place. "We don't speak to him anymore; it's better off that way." He was gazing at the bay as he spoke, watching boats dock in; his eyes full of sadness.

"What, um... what happened? I mean, if you want to talk about it, you don't have to though. Sorry," I said quickly.

He shook his head."No, no. It''s fine. He just wasn't there mentally when we needed him." I nodded, feeling bad I even brought that up and looked down at my Alfredo.

There was a long silence as he stared out in the horizon. A smile back on his face as the sky was a soothing orange. "This is my favorite place to go when I want to relax and just play some beats."

"Yeah, it's nice." I looked out at the horizon and couldn't help but smile at the beauty of it. "It's beautiful," I added.

"You're the only one I've ever taken here. I mean, aside from the mates." I glanced at him and smiled as his cheeks were a rosy red.

"Really?" I asked. He was pretty hot so I'm sure he'd had a lot of girlfriends. He nodded and looked away from the sunset to look down at his legs.

"Why? You don't believe me?" He looked up to meet my gaze and smiled; his eyes still hurt and sad from the last topic about his father.

"Well I mean, you must have had a lot of girlfriends throughout the years," I said looking down at my food, twirling the pasta around the fork over and over again.

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