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/Gerard /

Gerard was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud bang and someone cursing under their breath.

Had he really not even noticed a customer come in?

He jumped to his feet and quickly walked over to where the sound had come from.

There stood a cute guy about 17 or 18, harvest gold ceramic glaze spattered all over him leaving streaks of yellow in his black fringe to match the blonde sides.

"I-I um, sorry" he said looking down at the mess around him and his face turned bright red.

Gerard couldn't help but laugh, "It's ok, how'd did that even happen anyway?" He asked while walking over to help the poor kid.

"I'm fucking short, that's what happened!" I said in a jokey tone, a wide grin appearing across his face but quickly dropping again when Gerard knelt down to clean the golden goo before it dried. "I'm really sorry about this, I-I can help you clean it up, I-I mean if you want me too..." The kid stuttered and Gerard looked up at him with a smile, "No, it's fine. Um the bathrooms are in the back, you might want to go wash up" he said chuckling a bit at the frantic teen before he scurried in the direction of the bathrooms.

Cleaning up the glaze hadn't taken as long as Gerard had expected, about the same time he was done the boy had re appeared from the restrooms with only small remnants of the yellow on his skinny jeans and sleeveless nirvana shirt(*in comes mother Gee* it's December, why didn't he have a jacket on with that?!).

"See, not a problem at all." Gerard smiled and stood up, "Now, is there anything I can help you with..." "Frank" "Frank. What brings you here today Frankie?" He asked gesturing towards the multiple rows of art supplies.


Frank blushed a bit at the nickname but made sure to hide it.

He looked up at the older boy, his employee name tag read 'Gerard', that was a different name but Frank reckoned he liked it.

Gerard had bright fucking red hair which fit him well, He was wearing a Green Day shirt and black skinny jeans, eyeliner encircled his gorgeous hazel eyes making them even more endearing.

"Hello? Earth to Frank? You there bud?" He heard Gerard asked, "um..what?" Frank asked obviously oblivious to whatever Gerard had said.

"I said what are you looking for?" He said chuckling a bit, Frank tried to remember why he actually had come in here, "Oh, yeah! I needed stuff for an art project!" Frank said almost triumphantly that he had remembered the task at hand.

The two talked for almost three hours, often getting horrendously off topic and arguing about bands and video games.

"Crap, I gotta close soon." Gerard mumbled standing up from where he was sitting and stretching.

"What time is it?" Frank asked also standing up and checking his phone, it was almost five o'clock, "Shit! My parents are going to kill me!" He said looking up at Gerard.

Gerard laughed "You should probably get going then Frankie, how about you figure out what you want to do for the project and come back tomorrow and I'll help you get what you need?" He asked while putting a few things away.

Frank smiled "K, bye Gee!" He said before walking out the door.

Frank walked home with a smile, he had actually made a friend for once. His smile quickly faded when he walked through the door to his home.

"Where the hell have you been!?" His mother yelled, the fire practically visible in her eyes.

"I was in town." Frank said trying to walk pass her but she grabbed his shirt.

"Why?" Her voice was almost threatening, "I needed stuff for a project. I was at the art shop but I couldn't decide on what I needed." Frank said, pushing straight past her and walking up to his room.

For the rest of the night Frank found it nearly impossible to stop thinking about Gerard from the art store.

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