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It was finally Friday. Frank had created a new routine, now everyday after school he stopped by the art shop and talked with Gerard until closing time. Frank had definitely grown a huge crush on Gerard over the past week and unknown to Frank, Gerard also had a huge crush on him. "Hey, um Gerard, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at my place for a little bit, I mean if you're not busy or something, I was just wondering because the shop closes early today and my parents are coming home late and I can only really have friends over when they're not home and I-" Frank began rambling before Gerard stopped him, "Yeah, that would be great Frankie." He said with a smile as he began locking up the shop.

They two walked and chatted aimlessly the whole time until they reached Frank's house. "Hey if you want you can go upstairs to my room, I just need to take Peppers and Sweet Pea out really quick." He said motioning towards the two small dogs at their feet.

Gerard nodded and went up stairs, it was easy to find Frank's room, it was the one with "Fuck Off" written in eyeliner on the off white door, he gingerly opened the door and was very surprised to find it quite clean, unlike his own room. Besides the excessive amount of band merch and bunched up pieces of lined paper scattered about, everything seemed to have a place. Gerard had always been very nosey, so he naturally began scanning the papers upon the younger boys desk, mostly school notes but one in particular caught his eye. Oh my god, written neatly in blue ink on a sheet of loose leaf was a note titled "Bye"

'To anyone who's reading this, I'm sorry, I couldn't hang on any longer. If you're reading this that means I'm dead, obviously or this note would have gotten destroyed. Let's see, who to write to? I guess my parents, you both suck. You were horrible parents, you treated me like a fucking alien, you never even noticed how badly I was breaking, you were too busy ignoring me and making sure I remembered that I was a mistake in the first place. Next I guess I should write to Gerard, you were the best thing that's ever happened to me. I know that probably sounds a bit extreme because I literally met you yesterday but it's the truth, you were the best friend I never had growing up. So thank you, I really wish I could tell you all this in person but it's too late. And last but not least, to everyone else, you got what you wanted, you win.

- Frank Anthony Iero'

Gerard stood there in completely silence until he heard the bedroom door open and close, Frank froze "Y-you weren't s-supposed to read that!" He said in a hushed yell sounding almost scared. "I-I changed my mind anyway...I wrote that Tuesday, before I met you at the shop, that's why I was so late." He continued, walking over to Gerard who was still silent, a few stray tears rolling gently down his cheeks, smudging his eyeliner as they went. The younger boy hugged him, burying his face into the elder's shirt, "I'm so sorry Gerard, it was really stupid of my to think, I know, I was just so..so.. I don't know." He said, his own eyeliner smudging on the taller boy's shirt.

Gerard hugged him back, "Frank, promise me, promise me that you will talk to me next time, I don't care what time it is, I don't care if the fucking world is ending, talk to me if you ever feel like that again." He said pulling Frank closer to him. "I promise" Frank said quietly, they stood for s few minutes in a comfortable silence for a few moments before Frank spoke up. He looked up at Gerard and smiled, "Can I try something?" Gerard look confused, "uh, sure." He said, the two locking eyes as he did so. Frank again smiled and stood as tall as possible to meet the other boy's lips. Gerard was taken slightly aback at first but quickly smiled into the kiss.

They spent most of the night cuddling and just talking until the dogs began barking downstairs. "Shit! Why are my parent home already!?" Frank said getting up "Gerard I'm so sorry but you have to go, like right now." He said keeping his voice down while ushering Gerard to the window. "Don't break your foot!" Frank laughed slightly as Gerard kissed his cheek lightly and disappeared out the seconds floor  window.

Gerard got home to his mother and Mikey arguing while she packed her crap for her trip to visit 'family'. Gerard just hurried to his room and messaged Frank for the remainder of the night, this is how he's spent most of his nights this week, talking to Frank was an escape from his family and Gerard made a point to thank Frank every time they talked.

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