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(I really love that picture) 

After a little while Gerard walked Frank home and gave him a quick peck on the cheek as they said goodbye and he promised to call later. After Gerard had walked a bit down the street Frank went inside where he was greeted my his parents looking way more pissed than usual. "Where the hell were you last night Frank?" Mr. Iero said angrily standing in front of the stairs. "I was at my friend Gerard's pla-" "The Way kid?" His mother interrupted rushing over the Frank and examining his neck and collar bone. "I- uh, yeah" he said confused "You are not to go over that house ever again, I do not need a faggot corrupting my son!" She ordered and Frank was genuinely shocked. He knew his parents didn't like gay people but it had really never clicked in his brain, however the shock was quickly replaced with anger as he pulled away from his mother. "Let me rephrase that. I'm gay, Gerard is my boyfriend, and don't even bother kicking me out because I'm already leaving!" Frank shouted grabbing the bag he'd taken to Gerard's and walking out of the house. Once outside he decided he would need somewhere to stay and judging by what had happened not even two hours ago the Way house was probably a war zone right now because of Frank. So the next best option was asking his friend Jamia if he could stay with her and her girlfriend Lindsey for a night or two, which of course her answer was yes.

Lindsey and Jamia were two of Frank's first two friends when he moved to this shitty town, he'd met them one night after somehow ending up in a gay bar and getting drunk to the point where he could barely walk straight. They had been nice enough to make sure he didn't end up getting fucked or some shit like that, after all he was an attractive gay 16 year old, too intoxicated to stand up, in a gay bar, things could have gotten really bad. After that incident Frank had become really good friends with Jamia and Lindsey and hung out with them a lot before his parents went full on prison guards on the kid, but they still called and texted on a regular basis, so that's how Frank found himself being bombarded with questions about life and the girls were way more than ecstatic to hear about Gerard.

That's when Frank remembered about earlier that day, Gerard should've called by now right? Maybe he hated Frank now, I mean he had probably just completely fucked up Gerard and Mikey's relationship. Frank didn't give a fuck if Mikey hated him, after all Mikey had already hated him for existing, but what it Gerard hated him too now, what would Frank even do if that happened? He really didn't know, in fact all that Frank knew was that he really fucking needed some beer or a cigarette, both of which could be easily found in this house.

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