"I can't"

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I finished all the paper work around noon. I had to drive way to Rochester which is very far. I barely knew New York. 

I read the contract. It was the most difficult contract I ever read. It had some words I could barely understand. I didn't go to Harvard guys I muttered. I shook my head and grabbed everything heading towards the elevator. I went down to the first floor and spotted James talking to the receptionist. 

Hey I said. They both smiled. "Hey Newbie how's he treating you" He asked. Like a slave I have to drive all the way to Rochester for he's stupid client to sign some contract I can't even understand.I exclaimed. 

Let me read it he said grabbing it from me. I watched him skim through it. This in't complicated at all. basically Dyer gets one third of his profit. This guy owns the Yankee stadium and hotel. This is letting him know Dyer will promote and be profited through him. plus that'll make more money together. 

I processed what he told me remembering each word. I didn't want to look like a fool in front of very important future clients of Dyer.


I made my way to my car. Tony opened the door. He was my driver and helped clear paparazzi away from me at time. I got in and told him where I was heading. Yes Sir he said.

I suddenly began to think of Ava. Her beautiful hair the sways every time she walks. She amazing. But you wouldn't notice over all that dated clothes she have on. Nobody wears Rachel Zoe. I need her to look like she worked for me. Maybe I'll take her shopping .

I arrive and see no sign of her.Good I'm early. I made my way inside and seen her sitting at the table alone. Shit! she knows me well she came before me. I adjust my suit and walked over to her. Excuse ma'am my I sit her with you while I wait for a friend I joked.

She chuckled. Oh Steven still the same jokester. she extend her hand I gently landed a kiss. I sat down, seconds later the waiter comes to take our order. 

So where your Assistant Ava was her name? 

Uh yea excuse her if she was some what hoarse but I ordered her to. I needed to see you I said. Actually I admired her charisma. You need more like her working for you, you know dedicated. Enough about her lets get down to business. You and I know I'm very rich. The richest man in america. 

I like where this is going go on Sintra said. Your Hotels caught my eye I want to work with you to make you hotel bigger than it already is. I'm talking resorts and vacation destinations, casino and many more. That's all good but what's in it for you? She raised and eyebrow. For a fifty three year old women she had beauty for a thirty year old. 

Alright I'll cut the bullshit 1/3 of all earnings. 

She leans back to think when the waiter comes to give us our food. Okay Mr Dyer I'm up to that but I'll need a contract brought up before I change my mind. I'll make sure Of that Sintra. Oh and don't just think it'll be easy like that she said. I toke a sip of my drink. She winks at me and slid her leg on mines.

What a lady. So If I sleep with you It'll assure you signing that contract? Of course handsome. Its how I handle most of my clients and deals.

Say no more


I made it I said looking up at the building. It wasn't as tall as Mr.Dyers but it was pretty tall. I walked up the stairs and into the building. I was met with a receptionist named Karen who told me where to go.


After the meeting I improvised and got him to sign the contract. At first he was hesitant but I keep him on track and told him all the good that'll come. 

I was in the car driving back to the office. He had call and told be to bring it back to the office before ten and it was already nine. I sped through the highway. I didn't want him to leave and I not give him this contract. He had a meeting tomorrow and needed it to go over tonight.

I made it back to New York City. I quickly drove to his office. I parked my car and rushed to the building which was locked. It was ten thirty three. I panicked not knowing what to do. I called James to ask for Dyers Address. 

I was determined to give him this paper.

Hello he answered. 

Hi, james it's Ava.

Hey what's going on?

Um nothing I just need Dyers Address. I replied.

Oh no please don't tell me-

Ew no I need to give him this contract he has this meeting and I reall-

Okay he lives at Baccarat Residence up on the nineteenth floor 

Omg thank you so much you saved me.

Your so welcomed.

I drove over to his apartment 

I walked in to the lobby of the luxurious building. Hi may I help you? 

Hi Mr.Dyers I work for him I said. oh okay take those elevators over their I'll ring you up. I took the elevator up to the nineteenth 

I rang the buzz. I heard nothing. I began to knock before the door swung open. He was topless and wore sweats that hung merely to his waist.

"What?" he said.

I um, I have the signed contract and paper work for tomorrows meeting. 

He looked over my shoulders and at me. Get in he said.

He moved out the way and I walked into his cold home . It was dark and very ancient. He had high ceilings and large painting to go with it.

Why weren't you at the office early unusually I waited. I would have fired you he said pouring a glass of Jack Daniel. He poured to glasses and walked over to me handing it. Sit down I won't bite he said taking a swing. 

I sat down on his black leather couch. 

How'd they let you in? The lady at the desk let me go through. He nodded and sat down next to me. He smelled as if he just hopped out the shower. He grabbed the files from me and looked through them. 

Good job he said. although he didn't smile I actually thought he meant it. I sipped my drink and placed it down. Well I've got to get going I said, He gripped my leg before I could get up. Why leave to early he said. His touch sent chills throughout my body. 

He slid closer to me making my heart race even more. Ava your beautiful He said moving the strand of hair away from my face. "I know you want me Ava".

I can't I said. I really really really wanted to but I was scared to. Not that I was a virgin its just he's my boss and I didn't want to screw things up.

He began leaving small kisses up and down my neck making me scrim and pleasure. Steven Don't I Panted. Oh god don't.

His hands moved up more to my love box making me want him even more. All I came her for is to deliver his file not this.

All of a sudden he stop. No why did he stop? Fuck he cursed getting up. Wait what happened? 

I can't I'm apologize for my actions He said. 

You've got to be kidding me. He grabs my purse and jacket. You must leave He said. 

Shocked I got up adjusting my self. What a way to make a girl feel low I remarked grabbing my purse and bag. 

I would say I'm Highly upset. Now I'm going home horny and embarrassed. 


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