Chapter 6

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Time flies when your having fun.

Soon the time came for my friends to take there last test. I taught them all that I could. I only hoped it would be enough to get them on the voyage to Pandora. I couldn't imagine not having them with me.

Along with my instructing job coming to a end. So was my time on Earth. Mary who I tried to spend every waking moment with often would cry because I would soon leave her. She tried not to do it around me, but I knew she cried often.

I even found myself crying at night because I was scared to leave my family behind. What would I do with out Mary? The woman who took me in as her own daughter. I couldnt inagine a life with out her. But soon I would have to live that life. And we both knew it.

Dr.Heinburg even brought a close to his research on me. Finally having got the answers he wanted. I once found him crying in his office at our new house. In front of him was all his work on me and a picture of me grinning with one of my front teeth missing.

I knew then that he loved me just as I loved him. Dr.Heinberg was my father and he was the greatest one I could have asked for.

I worried about what would happen to Mary and Dr.Heinburg when I left all the time. I was scared to ask if they would stop living togther and split up and never talk to each other agian. Because with my depature comes the end of Mary's caretaking.

A part of me wanted to stay here on earth and continue life like I had been. While the other part wanted to break free and make the move to Pandora. But the question of the unknown scared me. What would happen when I got there?

I got so worked up thinking about everything that I woke up in the middle of the night and let a few tears drop. Then I got up and walked to get a drink from the kitchen. Only to find Dr.Heinburg there hugging Mary and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

I hid in the shadows and watched him comfort her. It was at that moment that I let my worries fade. I did not have anything to worry about, because I knew they would love and care for one another in my absence. That it was my time to grow up and leave and become the person I wanted to be.

That was the last time I cried myself to sleep.

I knew then that though I would be missed that I had to make that journey to Pandora.


September 30th, 2148 was the day that I got the letters. Mr. Galloway came by our house smiling and gave me my recruits letters.

"Did they make it?" I asked biting my lip in anticipation.

He gave me a shrug and kept his face blank.

"I dont know. You will have to wait and see when they open there letters." With that he walked out and left the house.

I called all my recruits and told them to meet me at the cafe we all went and ate at for lunch at least once a week.

I got a hold of everyone, but Tom. Which is odd, he always answered if I called or messaged him.

I pushed back my worries and decided to give his to him by his self.

I made it to the cafe before everyone else and got a table. I ordered a cup of tea and sat there waiting for my friends to show up.

After waiting 10 minutes, Norm came through the door and Hilary came in shortly after him.

"Hey Nova." He said smiling at me.

I grinned back. "Hello Norm."

"Hey guys. Any reason why we're having lunch today. Its not one of our normal lunch date days."

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