Chapter 1

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Haylees P.O.V

I don't understand I've worked so hard trying to get enough fans and supporters so I can go one this tour and now that I have all of my supporters they want to see me and how are they suposed to do that if I cant go on this tour. I was aggravated and upset, what and I supposed to do just go back to school and forget that all of this even happened.

"yes" I heard my mom say, she was standing by my bedroom door with some taco bell in her hand. taco bell was my favorite

"Oh hey mom I didn't know you were standing there" I said

"Ive been here for while now" she said to me while giggling 

"How did u know what I was thinking about" I asked with a confused look on my face

"Because you need to work on thinking in your head and not out loud" she said laughing

"Oh ya I do that a lot.. sorry mom" I said with sadness in my voice

"Its ok Haylee, why r u so worried about this tour though i dont get it" she asked

"Because it just really important to me an-" I started to say before I was cut off by the house phone ringing

My mom walked away from my door and made her way into the living room where the houe phone was. "Hello" I heard her say, "Yes hold on she right here" she said passing me the phone. I was shocked, no one ever calls me from the house phone, they usually just call my cell phone but maybe it wouldn't go through or something. I took the phone from my mom and held it up to me ear, I looked at my mom and she had this stupid look on her face, the same look she had when she bought me my car.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Haylee, this is Ashley from the Digi tour, I was just calling to see if u were interested in being on our tour for the rest of this year?!" the lady said

"OMG!!! Yes I would love to when should I be there?" i asked with excitement

"Be here at 7:30 tonight and the spot is all yours girl" she said laughing at how excited I was

"Okay I'll be there, Thank you" I said then hung up the phone

I looked at my mom and she still had that stupid look on her face. I told her everything that the lady said to me on the phone and she was so happy for me but the only problem was that we didn't know if I was going to make it all the way from North Carolina to Cali by 7:30 because it was already 3 in the afternoon. My mom called my dad and they talked about it for a couple minutes, my dad wasn't on bored with the whole thing at first because he didn't want me to miss any school but my mom told him that they make me do all my school work while I'm on tour, He finally gave in and ordered my plane ticket online. I hugged my mom then ran in my room and started packing.

______after i packed_____

I jumped into the shower really quick because i still smelled like the school lunch from this afternoon. When i got out the shower i washed my face and brushed my teeth, I blow dried my hair for a few minutes and then I let the rest air-dry while I did my makeup, I just threw on some BB cream and mascara with some baby pink lip gloss, when I was finished with my makeup I grabbed my hair curler and put some beach curls into my hair so it would look like I put at least some work into it. After I was done with everything I ran into my room and threw on some washed out high waisted shorts and a black crop top and a flannel then matched them with my white vans. I grabbed my suit case and my bag (which was just a book bag that was filled with my headphones, charger for my phone and my laptop, my laptop obviously and then just some other little things that I use on a daily).My mom made sure that I had everything before we left the house, once she was done she grabbed her keys and we got in the car and started heading for the airport.

Trust Me (A Nick Bean and Zach Clayton)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt