1D Funnies- Perry The Platypus

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Zayn has a tattoo of Perrie! This is GREAT! I just LOVE Phineas and Ferb!

Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba


He's a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal of action,

Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba Doo-Be Doo Be Do-Ba

He's a furry little flatfoot who'll never flinch from a fray,

He's got more than just mad skill,

He's got a beaver tail and bill,

And the women swoon whenever they hear him say

*platypus sound*

*ladies faint*

He's Perry,

Perry the Platypus!

But you can call him Agent P.


I said you can call him

Agent P!

Agent P!

*i know it's of his girlfriend. Perrie Edwards :). If you liked, don't forget to vote and comment

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