Chapter 34

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Wow I haven't update in a while but here it is Chapter 34. So, I apologize for the really late update homework and life just got in the way. For some of you, thank you for being patient and waiting. (Not k.) I really hope you enjoy and sorry for the mistakes hope you can overlook them. But if you see any please let me know so I can correct the mistakes.  

Everyone's head snapped into the direction of the unconscious man on the bed. Yoshika and Carry's eyes widen as they watched as the straight line continue and listened to the constant long beep. Even though it was impossible, Carry still hoped that the straight line would magically start going up and down again but as every second went by it didn't.

"What's happening?" Carry asked helpless. It was a stupid question and she knew it but it was the only thing that popped into her head to say.

Yoshika immediately ran over by the man's side his eyes widen in panic. He did nothing but stand there shaking while Carry began to yell frantically.

"You could help him, right?" She questioned him, "You have to help him. Help him." When she saw he wasn't doing anything her yelling became louder and her eyes became watery, "Why are you just standing there, help him. You have to help him." She screamed at the doctor, who was so in shocked and was too scared from Carry's yelling he stood there paralyzed, "Fucking do something!" Her fist pounded on the side of the bed in anger, "You're the fucking doctor do something."

At that moment, when Yoshika did nothing but watched the unconscious man Adira finally understood that Yoshika didn't know what to do. From the looks of it, he wasn't a professional. A professional would have immediately gone into action without any hesitation. They wouldn't freeze up or be scared of a screaming young girl as they worked.

You know what to do Adira's mind told her you've seen this before. You've done this before. Do something.

Adira slowly slide off the chair slowly making her way to the man on the bed catching Chad's attention. For her, everything went into slow motion. The scene brought her back to the day she got lost in the hospital her mom worked in.

It was after school and her mom didn't have time to take her all the way back to their house and drive back to work getting there on time so Lydia simply picked Adira up and took her to work with her. Lydia left her in the break room with Jack in the Box that she bought her for lunch and went back to work once she was finished with her food.

Adira eventually gets bored of just sitting there in the corner playing with her cell phone so she decided to make bracelets just to make the time go faster but she wanted to make a bunch of cancer bracelets but didn't know what colors represented which cancer. She decided to go ask Lydia for a paper that told what colors represent what cancer that she knew her mom had. After a while of taking turns and walking down hallways she got bored of walking and started running around slightly shouting that she lost her mother and can't find her mother.

It wasn't a problem to the other nurses and doctors or even the cancer patients that was there because they knew who she was; the patients knew her mother and they just simply found it funny that a fifteen year old was running around in a panic trying to find her mother. After a while, Adira got to an area where she heard yelling and screaming. Doctors and nurses ran around frantically to and from the end of the hall and a turn. One voice that stood out was her mother's screaming at everyone.

"We can't do that now!" Adira heard Lydia yelling as she got closer to the scene, "Take him off the wheelchair!" She ordered.

Adira began running dodging doctors and Nurses as she ran to where Lydia's voice was coming from. When she got to the end of the hall she made a right just to find Nurses and doctors all around doing different things. She maneuvered her way through the crowd and saw as Lydia tried her best to pull a young man not much older than Adira herself off his wheelchair but couldn't due the fact she was not strong enough. She watched as Lydia stopped a female nurse from using a defibrillator on the young man.

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