Chapter 38

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Last Chapter finally here. Hope you enjoy. Excuse you the errors, I edited to the best of my abilities. If you catch any mistakes please let me know or any plot holes. 

 "James?" Tyler said his voice barely above a whisper.

Adira heard it and turned to look at Tyler sending him a confused face mixed with scolding. She knew Tyler couldn't see her but couldn't help the instinct to scold him. She turned her head to look at the man in a tight black shirt that showed his lean tall figure, army pants and hiking boots making sure he was the only one who didn't hear.

The jet black haired man Tyler called James turned his head to the left in their direction and Adira's breath got caught in her throat. She stopped breathing as their eyes met and to her she felt like he seen her in the darkness that surrounded the room. He glared at the door for what felt like an eternity but soon examined behind him out of their sight. He turned back around and continued walking down the hall but stopped a door almost out of the teen's sight.

They watched as he took out a key attached to a sterling silver ball chain necklace out from underneath his black shirt and took it off. His large fingers covered the head of the key completely and put it into the door lock and putting it back around his neck again. He gave one final look around making sure no one was around before opening the door and disappearing into the room the door being shut behind him.

Adira wrapped her hand around the door above the door knob and slowly began to open it just enough for them to slip through without making any noises. She moved it carefully and stopped every once in a while afraid the door might make a sound. One last push to make enough space and they could slip out with ease. As soon as she pushed it just slightly the door let out a screeching scream and Adira stopped opening it. They both went silent almost immediately afterwards and stayed that way when they heard the door knob on the door James went through start to shake. Adira quickly shut the door like she had done when James first walked by.

The door James was behind opened and James stuck his head out looking both ways before he stepped out. His eyes were drawn to the room with the door cracked opened and he gave it a stern glare. Adira and Tyler stayed silent and both have stopped breathing. None of them wanted to find out what would happen if they were caught down there. They both could feel the tension that was floating around them as their hearts were pounding in their chest.

James turned back around and went back into the room shutting the door. Once that door clicked shut, Adira pushed the door opened but didn't push it a third time afraid it will make another sound. She grabbed Tyler's wrist and they made their way out the door. Adira stretched herself a little to slip through the door crack and out into the hall. Tyler did the same and moved slowly and quietly.

When they were both out, they silently but quickly walked back to the dead body hall and to the corridor door. As they passed the non-infected dead man, Adira couldn't help but examine him as they hurried by him once again taking in his appearance.

They pushed open one of the doors and walked out the door. Before they could stop it the door quickly slammed shut behind them causing the loud bang noise to echo throughout the halls. The two jumped turning to look at the door in horror. The second they turned back to ran to the staircase, a door slammed open and footsteps rapidly headed down the hall.

Adira and Tyler cursed under their breath and completely shot into bolting through the staircase door and up the stairs. They ran up to the first floor, pulled open the door and threw themselves in. Adira pulled the door closed behind her. She turned around to see Tyler running to the hall that lead to the cafeteria and she bolted towards him. When she was close, she leaped for him tackling him to the floor. The two were wrestling on the floor in the center of the lobby when James ran through the staircase door.

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