Chapter *3

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     Adira felt like he was looking directly into her eyes. He didn't make any movement besides tilting his head to the side, standing under the entranceway to where Adira and her family were hiding. They tried to keep as quiet as possible and not make any movements that would give away their presence. The man squinted at the ceiling before trying to reach out to the opening of the attic. Adira stopped breathing and lay frozen as his hand came closer.

"Wow, boys. We just hit the jackpot," another loud deep voice boomed through the house, causing the black-haired man to stop what he was doing and look to his side at the sound of the voice's laughter. "Get a load of this."

"I'm coming," the one with black hair called out.

The man looked back up at the ceiling before he walked out of the laundry room. Adira was able to hear his footsteps going down the stairs. A few minutes later, the family heard even more voices. Adira dropped her head and let out a sigh before standing back up very slowly in an attempt to remain quiet.

"What do we do?" Steve asked quietly.

"They are going to eat all our food," Madison semi-yelled.

"What can we do?" Adira whispered.

"Go down there and kick their butts," Taylor responded automatically. "We can't let them take our food. It's all we have."

"How are we going to get them to leave?" Steve frowned in question.

Steve was the middle child out of his two other siblings, Matt and Adira. Adira and him looked nothing alike, while Matt and Steve looked like replicas of each other. Matt and Steve were both stood above 6 feet, and they both had brown hair, except Steve's was slightly curled at the end while Matt's stood straight. Matt looked a lot more aggressive than Steve, but both of their heights made them intimidating to look at, along with their slight muscles. Apart from Adira, who had light brown skin just like Tyler's, Matt and Steve both had light skin.

"Well, we can't just go down there and be like 'hey, guys. That's our food, so can you please leave?'" Adira sarcastically replied. "That guy doesn't exactly look friendly."

None of them knew what to do. All of them were freaking out besides Adira, who didn't seem worried at all; instead, she was looking at them trying to remember the last time that she ever saw her family this freaked, but she couldn't remember a single time where she'd seen them this worried.

"We have to do something." Taylor said. The sound of laughter erupted through the house, along with the sound of glasses tapping together. "They're making too much noise. Those things might come back."

"Do something," Madison's tone was filled with desperation and fear.

"Like what? What exactly are we supposed to do?" Lydia asked Madison and Taylor.

"I don't know," She shrugged slightly.

"Kill them if they don't leave," Taylor suggested as if it was simple.

It wasn't odd for any of them that Tyler would say such a thing. He wasn't a violent kid. He did have a collection of very violent video games, but that was it. In the virtual world, he was the most violent out of all of them, but in reality, he was not.

"We can't just kill them, Taylor," Matt sighed.

"Well, why not?" Taylor asked. "They're taking our food and might be attracting those sick people here."

Taylor was a 5'2, 14 year old boy. He looked just like a boy version of his mother: light brown hair with brown eyes, chubby cheeks and a slim figure. The only difference between the two was their skin color; while Darla had light skin color, Tyler had light brown skin. Madison, on the other hand, looked just like her father.

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