00 (updated)

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It's now my Sophomore year in college, It was going pretty great. I talk to my mom a couple times a week to check up on her. I have some friends like this girl Sophie, she's great. Her and her girlfriend. Meanwhile, I didn't know that the classes here would be as hard. I'm failing trig. (Trigonometry) It sucks. Really. Anyways, the first game of the season starts soon and i'm really excited. 

"Ms.Lennox, May I see you for a moment?" Mr.Williams called after me. I walked back down the stairs and to his desk. "Yes Sir?" "It appears you are not passing the level requirement for this class. I'm afraid if you do not get your grades up to a 80 & above I will be forced to make a call to coach Mayonette to terminate your basketball privileges until your grades are improved." 

I stood there dumbfounded. "I'm sorry sir, but me failing can't be possible I study for every test and just in general." I argued. "It's not that you aren't smart Faye, you're very intelligent. But you've been having problems with a certain type of question. I'm going to assign you a private tutor. He will be meeting you in Study Hall every Wednesday and Thursday for 3 weeks." Mr. Williams said firmly. "Alright then, you may go now." I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the door. I had class in about 45 minutes so I'd thought I would go get some Lunch. I was headed to my car when a football smacked me right in the back of my head. "FUCK!" I looked around to see a guy running towards me with his hands covering his mouth I guess trying to hold in his laughter. "I am so sorry." he chuckled. I rubbed my head and look this stranger dead in his eyes. I just kept staring didn't say any words until he waved his hand in my face. "Hello??" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, it's alright I guess. That really hurt though. " I smiled. "Here" He said. I looked at him as he started to lean forward. He had kissed where the ball hit me. "Feel better?" I smiled at his action and immediately started to blush. "No." I laughed. "But that was sweet." 

"I'm Sean, by the way." 

He held out his hand. "Faye." I smiled and shook his rough yet soft hands. "Pretty name." "Thanks, Do you just go around kissing girls' heads?" I asked out of curiosity. "Actually that is the first time I've ever did that." We both laughed and fell into a comfortable silence. "Well it was nice to meet you Sean." I shook his hand. "You too Faye, Hopefully i'll see you again sometime." "Yeah, maybe. Bye!" I got in my car and started it and pulled out of the parking lot.

I pulled up at a Taco Bell and got 2 shredded chicken burritos. I paid for my food and headed back to campus. I had about an half an hour to spare. I finished my burritos, I called Sophie to see what she was up to. "Hello?" "Hey Soph." "OH! Hey, Faye. Whatcha need I'm kinda busy at the moment?" She said rushing me off the phone. "Handle your business Sophie, Tell Leslie I said Hi." I smiled. "Shut up." And with that she hung up. "Nasties." I smiled to myself. I got out of my car and started to walk. I followed the path that led me to a big tree I sat under the tree and pulled out my phone and began scrolling through my Instagram. Sophie posted a picture of her at a party yesterday so I looked at the picture and saw that she had tagged some people. I clicked on one guys profile and stalked him. Then I stumbled across Sean's Instagram  and that he posted a picture 15 minutes ago. I wanted to follow him but didn't want to seem like a stalker. I posted a quick selfie and went off to class. 

I got back in my dorm around 4pm it wasn't that late but I was really bored. I uploaded a few Snaps and just started to listen to music and study. My music got interrupted when I had an incoming call. It was Sophie. "Hello?" "Wassup Faye?" "Studying." I answered. I heard an Echo of my voice but I didn't question it. "You should come chill with me and a few friends." "I can't Soph we have practice tomorrow." "We ain't doing nothing but chilling Faye, Just come on." "Fine.. Whatever, send me the info." I said before I hung up. I went and got dressed in a long grey shirt with slits on the sides showing the sides of my stomach, my light brown jeans and some white converse. I put a little makeup and combed my hair straight down before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. 

"Building 3 Room 608."

Once I got the message from Sophie I started walking to Building 3. 

After 15 minutes of taking my time, I stopped at a nearby soda machine and got me a ginger ale. I walked up the complex stairs and made my way to room 608. I heard voices and music playing, not too loud. I slowly knocked on the door and Sophie answered. "Hey mama." she hugged me. "Hey." I awkwardly walked into the dorm and took a empty seat on the couch. "Want something to drink?" Sophie asked. "Nah, I got mines." I smiled. "Of course." Me and Sophie just started to talk about basketball and practice and just random ass things. Until the door opened again. In walking 3 guys. Tj, Kevin, & Of course Sean. "Oh shit who that?" Tj asked. "My best friend you dumb ass." Sophie busted out laughing. "Oh." He smiled and sat next to me. "How you doing?" I brushed a hair behind my ear. "Fine." I answered plain. "Yes you are." Everyone in the room laughed. Kevin sat on the other end of the couch. "You better chill Tj that's Sean's girl." he chuckled and I looked at Sean and shook my head clearly blushing. Sophie had a questioning look on her face. "Why is that?" "Sean kissed her forehead." Kevin answered. "Only.. Only because he hit me with the football." I countered. "Exactly." Sean agreed. "Nah nah, that is your girl." Sophie added. "Because who was on my phone stalking her Instagram and watching her snaps." The three of them busted out laughing and me and Sean and the stale faces. "Whatever." I shook my head. "Go hug your boyfriend Faye. " Sophie kicked my leg . "Shut up Sophie." I rolled my eyes. The laughter died down and we were all talking about this movie we were watching. "Whatever man.. That girl should have been died." Tj said as he walked into the kitchen. Sophie followed him to make her a slice and Kevin begged her to get him one so he wouldn't have to get up but of course Sophie kept denying and he had to leave to leaving me and Sean. He looked up from his phone and smiled at me, I blushed at his perfect smile. We were sitting in silence until he got up and came and sat next to me. He looked down at my phone. "What you doin'?" He asked me. "Nothing, Just scrolling through Instagram." "Gimme." he took my phone. He typed in something and gave it back to me. I checked my bio and saw nothing different. But then a new follower notification popped up on my screen and I clicked on it. I laughed at myself when it was Sean. He followed himself on my Instagram and followed me back. "Very funny." I smiled. "I try." He popped his imaginary collar. 

"Look Faye." Sean said with a serious expression.

"I really would like to get to know you if that's alright with you." he smiled. "It would be alright." "Good." We stared at each other for a couple seconds before we heard whispers. "You hear that?" I asked. "Yep." He got up. "Come on." We walked toward the kitchen when we heard footsteps and laughing. I looked and saw Sophie and Tj peaking. "Were ya'll spying on us?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. "No." Tj said quickly. "Liars." Sean added with a laugh." "We knew ya'll was gonna end up together anyways. "Oh shut up." we said in unison.

I left the dorm and Sean ended up walking me home. "You have fun today?" he asked while looking me up and down biting his lip. "Yeah I did. We should do it again sometime." I added. "Yeah, just us 2 though." I smiled. "Oooh. Is that a date Mr.Wells?" "Maybe Mrs.Wells." he smirked. I shoved him lightly. "Stop playing with me Sean." I said in between laughter. He smiled. "So i'll pick you up at 8? Let's say tomorrow?" I was a blushing mess. "That sounds good." "Good." he smirked and smacked the back of my head. "He-" before I could finish, he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Ms.Lennox."

I walked into my dorm with a huge smile on my face and just laid in my bed. I don't know what it was about him but I couldn't get him off my mind. "Don't let your guard down Faye." I said to myself before drifting off to sleep.

NEW AND IMPROVED 00 BOOM! TOLD YOU IT WAS COMING. ILUSM youre so patient its great bare with me im trying lol 


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