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I woke up around 7:30 am to get ready for practice. I jumped in my uniform and headed out the door and walked towards the gym. I saw Sophie and continued on working on my lay ups.

2 hours later.

I walked out of the gym literally dripping with sweat. I was so tired and sore, nothing a hot bath can't fix. I walked backed to my dorm and jumped in the shower. 

When I got out I put on a white cropped tank that stopped just above my belly button, some white ripped jeans & my teal adidas. I put my silver belly ring in and put a little necklace on.

I headed to my car and was on my way to the mall. I posted a snap titled "meet me at the mall 🌞" I then pulled out of the campus parking lot and made my way to the mall.  I walked into forever 21 and got a couple shirts and a pair of jeans. "Your total is 57.21"  I pulled out my card and swiped it, before pressing the confirm button. She gave me my receipt before saying, "Thank you, Enjoy your day." She smiled. "You too." I nodded back. I walked out. I visited some other stores before then going to sit in the food court. I got some Chinese food and sat at a table by myself. A group of guys walked past me and we all met eye contact with each other. One of them winked at me and I just shook my head. I scrolled on Instagram and checked my snapchat, Sean watched my story. I didn't notice that I had a text message from him until I opened the messages app. "I see you looking cute today." I read the message out loud. "He his so stupid.", I said whispering to myself. I just text him back "😂😏" emojis.

It was now about 11:00 or just a little past it. I left the mall and was on my way to Sophie's dorm.

"Sophie open up." I knocked on her door.

She opened the door. "What's up girl?" she asked. "Bored." , I said walking into her dorm.

"Leslie here?" I asked looking through her refrigerator. "Nah she went to the gym." I nodded. "What were you doing?"
"Nothing just chilling, I see you went to the mall." she referred to my 4 bags. "Oh yup, you know your girl got to shop." Sophie laughed and was looking through my bags. "Ooh shit Victoria's Secret, it's like that now?" I hit her arm playfully. "Shut up!" Sophie pulled out a bra. "I feel like this is for Sean."

I mugged her.

"No it's not, I don't know why y'all rushing the relationship, we just talking."
"Oh really?" I nodded. "Yes really Sophie." "I heard y'all going on a date tonight."

News Travels Fast.

"Jesus, he just asked me last night." Sophie smiled. "He told Kevin, Kevin told me, I told Tj." "Y'all some snitch bitches." Sophie bust out laughing, holding her stomach. I laughed with her. "Bye Sophie." I chuckled. "See you Mrs.Wells." she smirked, and I threw a cup at her while walking out the door.

I woke up and almost cried myself to sleep. I had to work today. The mall didn't open until 11. I had a few hours. The only class I had today was English Literature, I got ready to go around 8.

I arrived at class on time and was waiting for everyone to settle down. Class officially started at 8:30. "Well goodmorning class." Mr. Dwight yelled. "Goodmorning." we said in unison. The door creaked meaning someone had came in. I looked toward the door and in walked Sean flashing his pearly whites to everyone. "What the hell?" I said to myself. How come I didn't notice him until now? I whispered to myself. "Goodmorning Mr.Wells." Mr.Dwight said looking away from the board for a split second. Sean took the empty seat right above me."Goodmorning." His voice boomed throughout the whole classroom causing a chill to run down my spine. I heard a light chuckle from him. I turned around and he shot a quick wink at me before pulling out his notebook to copy notes. "Alright Class, take out your Textbooks, and turn to page 352." Mr.Dwight instructed us. I opened my book and began writing little notes here and there. I listened to Mr.Dwight's lecture about this particular poem were reading. "What does that line mean Ms. Williams?" Mr.Dwight put someone on the spot again. "Um.. Erm... I..It means that no matter how much success you have.. you have to keep succeed to accomplish many many more goals in life." the girl looked down at her book then up at Mr.Dwight. "Thank you, great great answer."

Finally class had ended and now it was about time for me to get ready for work.

I gathered my things and walked out the door, with Sean hot on my tail.

"Hello." he smiled and walked backwards in front of me.
"Hi." I said dryly. "What's wrong sourpuss?" "Nothing, now is there something in particular you want.. cause if not I have somewhere I need to be." I spat. "What's with the attitude, all I said was Hello?" he furrowed his brows. I stopped walking. "Look, Sean.. I like you. But I got played once and it's not happening again." He laughed. He fucking laughed. "What's so funny?" I said shifting all my weight on one leg and crossing my arms in the process. "You girl.. ain't nobody playin' yah." "Yeah ok." "Yeah ok? You better fix that attitude, Faye." I looked at him like he lost his mind. "Ok." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not playin' with you." he said sternly. By now we weren't even walking anymore we just stood there looking at each other. People walked by and just looked at us but kept it moving. "Faye." he broke the silence. "What?" I bit my cheek. He ran his hands down his face. "Can you just tell me one thing." he asked clearly annoyed with my attitude. Honestly I wasn't even mad, I just had to make sure that whatever we were planning on having was going to be real. "What is it that you want me to tell you?" I stared at him. "Why would you think I was playing you?" "You seem like the type." I shrugged.

"Never Judge a book by its cover Babygirl."

I started to feel bad. "I'm sorry, I just had to make sure. Got my feelings hurt pretty bad in high school." "This is college like a fresh start." he smiled. I looked at him up and down and asked, "Can I have a hug?" I smirked. He walked over to me chuckling and took me into his arms. His strong scent hit my nose, and I immediately fell in love with it. "Remember 8:00, it's date night baby." He whispered in my ear. I started to laugh. "Yeah ok. I gotta go to work though so I'll see you later. "

"Alright." he let me go. "Bye Mrs.Wells." he then blew me a kiss before walking away. "Fuck my life." I whispered to myself before going to get ready for work.

Sean in the MM hoes. 🙄💦
But eh I liked this one. Next chapter up very soon 👍🏼. Don't forget to vote & comments will be appreciated!!


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