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2 weeks later.


I was sitting at home, my dorm still, waiting for Sophie to get here so we could go to the gym. Tatiana had went to the showers so I just sat with my Nike sports bra and shorts, scrolling on my phone. I put my earbuds in when Sophie text me and told me that she was here.

I walked outside and hopped in the passenger seat of her car. "You excited for tomorrow?" she asked when I got in her car. I saw her mouth moving so I took my earbuds out. "Hmm?" I didn't hear her. "You're moving tomorrow! You excited?" she asked smiling. "Yeah of fucking course, finally get away from Tatiana crazy ass." We laughed.

We got to the gym and swiped our membership cards. I walked to the treadmills while Sophie went to lift some weights. I sat my water bottle in the cup holder of the machine, starting it up and getting ready for my 30 minute run. I put my earbuds back in and started off slow. About 10 minutes in I started to run. My music was so loud, I couldn't hear anything. I didn't even notice a guy had started running next to me. I glanced over at the stranger. He caught my glare and looked back with a smile and a nod. He looked super familiar, but I couldn't pin point where I remembered him from.

My run was nearly over and I started to slow down and so did the familiar stranger. I ran my fingers through my hair and took my earbuds out, before turning the machine off and went to do some leg exercises. I did some squats and worked out for about 2 hours more. I was in my way to the women's locker room to get in the sauna. I bumped into a large chest and stumbled back a little. "Oh, excuse me." I picked up my water bottle. "You good shawty." a deep voice spoke. I looked up and noticed it was the guy from before. I smiled before going around him to walk away. He pulled my arm. "Don't I know you?" he asked gripping on my arm. I looked at him and shook my arm signaling for him to let it go. "I guess so, you do seem familiar though." I admitted. "Wait.. do you work at foot locker?" I knew I knew him from somewhere. "Yeah.." I answered. "You're the girl that helped me with my shoes." he smiled. "Oh yeah!" I faked. "Hmm, nice running into you..."

"Tyler." he shook my hand.

"Yeah, well I guess I'll see you around." I walked away. "See you gorgeous." he smiled and walked the opposite way. I blew out a breath.

Sophie dropped me off at home, after buying me subway of course. "See you babes." I kissed her cheek. "See you boo! Call me so I know when to get here tomorrow." she said leaning out the window. "Alright!" I walked into the building and started fishing for my keys out of my fanny pack. I walked up all the stairs and turned the corner and walked to my door. I spotted a figure standing nearby it. I looked up and saw that it was Sean. "Hey." I pecked his lips. "Wassup?" he looked down at me. "Why you standing out here like a creep?" I asked, chuckling. "I didn't wanna go in there with that thing." he referred to Tatiana. I busted out laughing while opening the door. "Could you quiet down some jeez." Tatiana yelled. "Could you get a life jeez." I spoke, mocking her. She just rolled her eyes. I walked to my bed and Sean laid across it as always. I put my leftover sandwich in the mini fridge. Sean sat up and watched my every move. "I like those shorts on you." he admitted. "Oh really?" I faked. "I like them too, that's why I bought them." He stale faced me. "You real foul Faye." I giggled and stood in between his legs, my hands traveled up and down his back. We just stayed like that for a couple minutes enjoying each other's touch. "I gotta get in the shower. I'll be right back." I broke the silence. Sean smacked my butt. "Hurry up." I smirked and grabbed my things and headed to shower.

When I got out of the shower, I got my clothes and changed in there since Sean was hogging my room. I walked back into my dorm and he was fast asleep on my bed. I didn't want to wake him he looked so cute. I just put on one of my oversized college tees on since I wasn't going anywhere yet and laid next to him. I scrolled on my Instagram timeline and liked a couple pictures. I checked the time and it was only 12:30. By now I had my back faced toward Sean and he had his hands wrapped around my waist. He pulled me closer, if that were even possible. I turned so I faced him, I poked his bottom lip. "Wake up." I whispered in his ear. After giving up on that strategy I shook him and he immediately woke up. His eyes were red, and he looked so confused. I laughed at how cute he looked. "Come on. I was having a good ass dream." he poked his lip out. "Ooh.. I wanna know what it was about." he lazily smiled. "No you don't." I furrowed my brows. "Why don't I?" "Cause you gonna be all like, 'Ewwwww, you're nasty!' and all that shit." he attempted to imitate me.huaraches "I do not sound like that, And I wanna hear." I punched his arm. He did a deep chuckle. He wrapped my legs around his waist and scooted closer to me, and whispered, "I can show you better than I can tell you." he kissed right below my ear. His movement sent chills down my back. "Stop! You freak." I shrieked. "You play too much." I got out of the bed. "Where you going? I was enjoying your company." Sean pouted. "To get dressed, I'm bored and I'm not staying in here all day." I look through my drawers for something to wear. "Where we going?" Sean sat up. "I don't know nigga. Let's go... to the mall?" I shrugged. "Aight. let's go then."

We were in his car on our way to the mall, and Sean's phone buzzed. "Ooh, your girlfriends calling you." I raised my brows. He stale faced me. "That's impossible." he looked at the caller I.d. "How so?"

"Because she's sitting right next to me." he shrugged and side eyed me.

I just smiled and thought. That was really sweet.  "Who is it really?" I asked. "Just Kevin." "Where is he!? I miss his ugly ass." I smiled. He read the text. "Apparently on his way to the mall." I nodded.

We got to the mall, I let Sean do his shopping while I just browsed. I had to get a few makeup replacements. We met up with Kevin in the food court. He was eating with some girl. Me and Sean walked over there. As soon as I sat down the girls smile immediacy turned to a mug. I just smiled and kept it classy. Kevin introduced us. "Tori, this is Sean, and his girl Faye." I smiled. She shook Sean's hand and said hello, but just didn't even acknowledge that I was there. "Hello to you too, The fuck." I said loud enough for her to hear. She waved her hand but it looked more like she was waving me off. I laughed. "Kevin, boy you better control your hoes." I said before I went to get a smoothie. When I ordered my smoothie I waited for it to be done. I glanced over at the table and noticed Tori all happy and bubbly by herself, well with 2 guys. Then it hit me like a brick. She just wanna be with them 2 by herself, little attention whore. I scoffed and walked back to the table. They continued to talk when I sat down. I didn't interfere with their petty conversations. Sean looked at me and noticed my attitude. "What's wrong?"
"I'll tell you later." I simply said.

We got up and walked around for a little. I was quiet most of the time, not wanting to flip on this bitch.

I was sitting on the bench outside of GameStop when the 3 came out. "Aight I'll see y'all later." Sean said dapping Kevin up. He gave a head nod to Tori and we walked away.

When we were on our way out he kept asking what was wrong and was I okay. I just didn't respond. Because he was gonna feel my wrath once we got into my dorm.

Here you go babes 💚, Next chapter coming soon.


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