Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Books are definitely Jiae's favorite company to be with. Everytime she gets lonely or depressed, all she would do is grab a book, turn the pages, and let her imagination run. She enjoys reading books so much, at a chilly and cold night like now, especially books with sad and realistic endings.

She knows how the world runs, not everyone has a good and happy ending. Not everything is magical, you won't end up living happily with your prince charming, you in your beautiful shimmering gown and pixie dust surrounding you to make it even fantasy-like.

Jiae immediately closed the book, after feeling a bit dizzy and emotional. Yes, she missed her mom again. She again remembered that she's lonely. She's living alone, well maybe not literally because she's currently in Chanyeol's house but she's got no one with her. She didn't know much about her relatives because her existence is pretty much disliked by them since she was created when her mom was just a teenager, and all they blabber about was how Jiae ruined her mom's future.

It's not like its her choice to exist in this world.

Jiae heard a knock on the door so she immediately wiped the tear that came out of her left eye. She walked to the door and opened it to see Sungeum, their housekeeper.

"Jiae-ah, go downstairs, it's time for dinner." The old lady serenely said, and smiled a bit at her.

"Okay, thank you ahjumma." She thanked Sungeum and gave a weak smile. The housekeeper turned around and before she could walk towards the stair to go down, Jiae instantly called her, not too loud, yet not too hard to hear.

The old lady nodded, and asked her non-verbally what she wanted but all Jiae did was run toward her and hugged her tightly that Sungeum got startled a bit. She caressed the girl's hair, lovingly and comfortingly. After a few minutes, Jiae released from the hug and thanked Sungeum.

She just needed someone to be with for a while.

She went downstairs and walked to the dining area but there was nobody, except Chanyeol. She was contemplating if she should join him in eating but they're still not that close, the boy's still cold towards her, and she wouldn't want to have another awkward interaction with him.

She decided to just eat peacefully because she was already starving as well and she wouldn't wanna sleep with an empty stomach. She sat at the chair opposite Chanyeol's and grabbed some plates to get some foods.

Chanyeol on the other hand of course wasn't that dense not to notice Jiae's presence but he pretended that he's too busy eating. Honestly speaking, he doesn't know but he thinks Jiae is a little bit difficult to be with. He doesn't know if she's just really that awkward or the girl's just intimidated by his presence, especially that the attitude he showed her for the past days was, cold.

"Do you really hate me or what?" Chanyeol broke the silence, unexpectedly. He himself also didn't know why but maybe he got carried away by his thoughts that he unknowingly mumbled those words which didn't fail to reach Jiae's ear.

Jiae stopped midway from diving the spoon into her mouth when Chanyeol spoke,
in a deep, dispiriting voice. She stared at him for a few seconds before putting the spoon down, and stuttering. "I--of course not--"

She was halfway from replying back when Chanyeol cut her off,"Nevermind. It's just that you never talk to me or try to have a conversation."

She got surpised, so Chanyeol's also feeling the same way that she does? But still, she wouldn't know what to talk about with him.

"So, uhm--- how w-was your first d-day Chanyeol?" She attempted, and this was her first time do it, to have a conversation with the boy. She nervously waited for a reply, munching her vegetable, slowly but surely.

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