Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"You're so silly." Baekhyun muttered, while staring at the unconscious girl laying comfortably in the white bed. He didn't know that the nurse was already giving him weird look just because he was talking to himself for the past few minutes while guarding Jiae until she wake up.

He couldn't peel his eyes off her, she's just too adorable not to look at. The way her ash brown hair scattered around her milky face, and her heavy breaths which made her stomach go up and down visibly.

The nurse finally decided to butt in,"Uhm excuse me, you can go back to your class now. She will wake up anytime soon."

Baekhyun waved his hands frantically and shook his head,"Ah no, it's okay. I'll wait here until she wakes up."

The nurse just smiled and thought, A sweet boyfriend indeed.

As if on cue, Jiae stirred from her sleep and lazily opened her eyes. "Hmm? Baekhyun?" Baekhyun chuckled, squealing inside him seeing the girl looking like a little kid with the way she hummed, her rough voice hushing Baekhyun's soul.

"How do you feel?" He walked near the bed, keeping the distance between him and Jiae a little bit less. Jiae stretched her hands out before sitting up.

"I'm fine now." She briefly replied before wandering her eyes around the clinic. This was her first time to be inside the room, and she must admit, she liked the atmosphere here. She liked how no sound could be heard, only the rusty sound of papers being flipped from time to time by the nurse, and how the cold temperature inside described the aura of the room.

Baekhyun noticed the interest that sparked inside Jiae's eyes,"You like it here?" Jiae looked at him and nodded enthusiatically. He smiled at how random Jiae can be. Out of all the places, why would she like the clinic? She's seriously driving him crazy.

"About Naeun, I told you to tell me if she's bothering you right? Look at what happened." Baekhyun instantly transformed into a protective father and surprisingly, Jiae liked it a lot. It's like she was always safe, may it be just hearing those words from Baekhyun or actually seeing him take responsibility with it.

Jiae looked below and fiddled with her fingers, to be honest, she felt scared now too. Nobody knows what Naeun might do next, maybe something worse, she's just unpredictable.

It was very obvious when she was over-thinking about a certain issue and that made Baekhyun smile, for an unknown reason. Maybe she's just too easy to read sometimes and he knows exactly what to do.

Hearing no response from Jiae, he sat beside her, held her soft and milky hands before saying,"Don't worry. I'll always be here to protect you."


"Why did you do that?"

His voice was calm yet hair-raising, which was what made the girl flick her head up to look at the boy who was towering above her.

She was a little bit intimidated, but she didn't let it go out of the way."Do what?"

The giant-like guy knew that she was trying to be nescient about it, so he took a deep breath and looked through the eyes of the girl, making sure she's going to admit what she really did.

Until You (EXO FANFICTION)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu