Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The house was quiet empty when Jiae got back home from her friendly date with her bestfriend. She already accepted it, even before, but her hopes just keep on getting in the way. She jabbed the keys on the door knob before sluggishly walking to the kitchen to get some water.

She was tired, to say the least. Considering she consumed tons of streets foods which she could rarely ate, bought some cute things, and played with Baekhyun most of the time, she's definitely exhausted.

Not long enough, she went up to take a good warm bath, finish her homework and relax. She hurriedly scampered through the stairs and was about to head to her room when she heard a noise coming from the other side of the hallway. She retreated from going straight to her room and carefully tiptoed to peek  where the sound was coming from.

It was Chanyeol's room, and the door was slightly opened so her view was just limited, but clearly there's Chanyeol sitting in front of his computer, sound and music gears around the desk, and in the screen were some things she's not familiar of.

But she was sure, he's making some music. Or maybe just listening to some. She can certainly see the enthusiasm in Chanyeol as he kept on bobbing his head left and right, with a smile on his gorgeous face. So he's into music huh? She thought.

Suddenly the melody of the music became serene and it was becoming ballad, and she couldn't help but stay right there, just listening to what Chanyeol was doing. Jiae didn't know the boy was talented, she even heard somewhere in the school that he could also play guitar, isn't that cool? She again tried to be careful and pop her head between the door, to see what Chanyeol was doing.

He was staring at the computer, it felt like he was hesitating to do something, but after some few seconds, he brought his hands to click the mouse and hover around the screen. He double clicked the left part of the mouse and there popped a picture of a girl, a very gorgeous girl.

Jiae couldn't help but gawk at the picture, her jaw almost dropping. The girl was drop dead gorgeous. The girl isn't the type that looked like a model, but her aura is very intimidating yet friendly. Oh boy, even Jiae couldn't explain it.

The girl was milky-skinned and she was fairly tall, her figure is to die for, and she has an ash brown her just like what she had. She noticed that Chanyeol immediately closed it and turned off the computer which signaled Jiae to leave right there before Chanyeol catches her.

The moment she closed her door, she rested her back on it and stared blankly at the floor, and one question was loitering in her mind.

Who is that girl?


It was their PE class which made the whole class jumped in joy as they walk to their friends and get their PE uniforms in their lockers. Jiae silently just stood there and walked herself to the locker area.

She sighed, she still haven't made friends since their first day of school. It's not like she doesn't appreciate Baekhyun's presence as well as Kyungsoo and Suho but she still want to widen her range of friends.

She suddenly bumped into someone as she think of ways on how to make friends with her classmates or school friends. She looked up and was schocked to see Chanyeol, staring at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry Chanyeol." She apologized and bowed her head politely before returning to her steps but she stopped again when she heard Chanyeol call her.

"Jiae." She listened still, her back on Chanyeol as she wait for the next words he would say.

She then turned to face the boy, and saw that Chanyeol's brows were knitted."Where are you going? Isn't the lockers area the opposite way?"

Physically, Jiae laughed but mentally, she was scolding and cursing herself for doing such dumb things, but what can she do, she was just too engrossed in her own thoughts.

"Uh, right! Hahaha." She scratched her head and chuckled, feigning her embarrassment. She want to think ways or excuse just to prove to Chanyeol that she wasn't that dumb, but she chose to just let it slide, just this once.

She then proceeded to make her way to the right way, to the lockers area. Her classmates were already in their PE uniform heading to the gym so she quickly took her steps.

In the door was Naeun, standing, with a smirk on her face.Her hands are across her chest, and she was leaning at the door, making her bottle like shape appear even more. And that time, Jiae already know something's not right. She tried to ignore her presence but Naeun was blocking her way.

"So that's your strategy,huh? Acting dumb?" Naeun started, as her lips curved to the right.

"What are you talking about?" Jiae asked, completely oblivious of what's Naeun was up to. Jiae already told herself not to, ever meddle with this girl, and just mind her own business, but how can she do if everywhere she goes, this lady just kept on appearing here and there?

"So that's your way of being noticed by Park Chanyeol?" Naeun looked to the ground as she let out a non-humor laugh. "How pathetic."

"Naeun, I don't have tim--" She was cut off when Naeun's hand landed on her cheek which left a red mark on it. It was painful, but she wouldn't do anything. She couldn't.

"Try to get in my way once more, Jiae. Because honey," Naeun then left the door, stood in front of her and held the spot where she slapped Jiae,"You'll regret it."



Jiae once again swiped her palm across her forehead as she let out a deep sigh. She was having fun, to say the least. This is her first time actually having a bonding time with her classmates and they all seem to pretty easy to be close with.

They all simultaneously looked above and followed the direction of the volleyball as they try to find ways to possibly return it to the opponent's court. And so far, the game was getting into its climax. Everyone seemed to have smile on their faces, despite being exhausted.

A smirk made its way to Jiae's lips as she spotted the ball coming into her way, she shouted the word mine and postured herself. She jumped high than she ever could and powerfully slapped the ball against her palm as they all watch her spike, making the opponents miss the ball, landing on an empty spot.

"You're good!" A random classmate of her praised, as she and Jiae did a high five which Jiae smile even more.

On the other side of the gymnasium, boys are having their basketball game, enjoying the time as well, some girls are playing dodgeball, while those who are unhealthy or have period are playing board games such as chess and dama.

Naeun laughed triumphantly after sucessfully throwing the ball and hitting one of her classmate, making it out of the game. Her game was dodgeball and it's all she could play anyway.She was holding the ball, when she caught sight of Jiae doing a high-five with one of their classmate and suddenly, her smile disappeared and her grip on the ball deepened, causing a hole in it.

Her eyes flared in anger seeing Jiae being happy and all that, so she carefully measured how far could she posssibly do to target the othe girl, so she forcefully threw the ball at the back of the head of Jiae, causing her to fall on the ground, with blood flowing down from her nose.

The gymnasium seemed to swirl in Jiae's sight, like there was an earthquake that's currently happening and her mind seemed to block all the shouting and yelling her classmates were giving her. All she knew was that she saw Byun Baekhyun ran into her before her sight completely black out.

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