Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Chanyeol lazily grabbed his bagpack and checked for the last time the things he needed for the first day of school. He doesn't really need that much, since first day means only meeting your classmates,teachers, knowing your requirements and the regulations that he had heard for the past years making him uninterested to even attend the first day.

After confirming that all were complete and he's good to go, he flung his bag in his right arm leaving the other strap hanging. He quickly glanced over the mirror and double checked his whole appearance,at least he puts effort to be presentable.

He sauntered all the way downstairs,almost tripping in the process. He woke up late that he didn't have any time to even eat breakfast. He'll just eat at school.

Chanyeol spotted his parents who just got done with their breakfast and he walked to them bidding goodbye.

His parents were a very hardworking individuals.His mother has an italian restaurant that is very popular in Seoul, and his dad on the other hand owns a live cafe. His sister who he barely sees is a journalist and a newscaster. You can conclude in general that they were a very successful family. The only one who has not a career yet was Chanyeol who's nearly graduating.

Mama Park and Papa Park was about to bid goodbye but his mom noticed something and asked him a question.

"Where's Jiae? Isn't she coming with you?" Mama Park's eyebrows instantly raised. She was disappointed with his son's act yesterday when he refused to find Jiae and she thought the boy needs to do something.

He shyly scratched his nape after remembering the embarrassing scene he had with the girl last night. "I think she's still upstairs."

Mama Park's smile widen and a bright idea popped in her mind. "Why don't you go up and tell her to come to school with you?" It was more of a command than a question and Chanyeol has no idea what his mother is now planning.

"I think--"

He was cut off by his father when Papa Park looked at his watch, panicking a bit before tapping Chanyeol's head."Just do it. We need to go. Do well at school,alright?"

He was left alone in the dining room contemplating if he would go up and let Jiae walk to school with him or just diss the idea and lie later on with his parents. The last idea seemed to be easy and convenient but something in him didn't agree to it.

Chanyeol wasn't really a rebellious and bad mannered child. He's fine with school,but doesn't really put much effort, he's short tempered and he's a love hater. So, it's predictable that he usually listens to his parents and avoids being a thug teenager.

Soon enough,he found himself going upstairs leading to the room of Jiae,and he didn't have any chance to back off since he already knocked on the door for two times. There was no response, but he can vaguely hear the sound of water continously flowing from the faucet. He then knocked again,thrice but there was no response again.

A sudden rush of panick came into him imagining terrible ideas and horrifying sight and he didn't know how but he immediately pushed kick the door when he learnt that the knob was locked and the sight that he saw disappointed him. He didn't know how to react,to feel relieved or embarrassed?

There, Jiae stood,her pair of eyes rounder than a ball ,holding a toothbrush and a toothpaste in the other hand. Her ash brown hair fell perfectly past her arm and her cream white uniform looked neatly ironed.

"Oh?" Jiae snapped, still continued brushing her teeth left and right,up and down. She looked least nervous or surprised by Chanyeol's appearance.

She immediately finished brushing her teeth and returned back to Chanyeol who was still standing by the door,not knowing what to do. He decided to just do what he needs to do and set aside all the embarrassment he already has.

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