Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"But...are you sure it's okay for me to come to school with you?" Jiae nervously asked, ecstatic with the thought that Chanyeol basically asked her something.

Chanyeol stared at her, eyes squinting; amused with the fact that Jiae has to even ask that question. "Don't you want to?"

It's not like Jiae doesn't want to, but it just felt weird, for her at least. And besides, one death threat from Naeun is enough to handle for her. But this offer just seems too precious to reject. Not that she likes Chanyeol or anything, because for sure; her one sided love for Baekhyun is still existing, it's just that, it seemed untrue for the cold Chanyeol to act like that.

The boy started walking, arranging his fringe as the rustling wind blowed peacefully. Jiae only stared at Chanyeol's back and she was waiting for him to command her to walk ahead of him, but he didn't.

"Is that the girl again?"

"Why was she always sticking with Chanyeol? Fishing for attention,huh?"

Jiae halted, bit her lip and scratched her head. This is what she meant. Unwanted attention was what she needed the least, she's had enough of Naeun and Jiae doesn't want all the bullying to increase even further.

Chanyeol halted and looked behind and saw Jiae biting her lip,"What's the problem?" She shook her head, forcing herself to crack a smile.

Ten more minutes of walk until they reached the school felt longer than ever due to the amount of the stares and mumbles Jiae had received which apparently Chanyeol wasn't aware of. Obviously because he has his headphone in his head for the whole walk.

He didn't even give a proper goodbye to Jiae when they parted ways which the girl was partly thakful for.

"Jiae!" As soon as she heard that familiar high pitched voice, she immediately looked for his direction and soon enough spotted her poodle-haired best friend.

"Good morning!" She cheerfully greeted, her mood boosting up with the fact that the person she wants to see early in the morning was standing in front of her.

Baekhyun loves the view, the sight that was in front of him as well, and how badly does he want to thank the heavens for creating such a lovely creature such as this girl.


Call him that word and he can't be bothered, he's basically willing to accept or endure everything when it comes to Jiae, it's fascinating you don't even know.

"Good morning too! Such a lovely day right?" Baekhyun was happy, very very happy. He didn't know why? He just knew he was very happy.

They awkwardly smiled at each other for a good minute before the bell rang causing the students to scatter and panickly go to their classes before they get greeted by a sweet tardiness slip.

"I guess I'll see you later?" Baekhyun asked, his smile not disappearing a bit. Jiae nodded bashfully, pursing her lips, wanting to hide her smile.

Baekhyun ruffled Jiae's hair and quickly left leaving the girl stoned at her spot. She reached for her hair, and smiled like an idiot, who didn't care if the first period already started.


"I heard we're having a new professor for Math?" Dahyun the noisiest student in the class, shouted earning the attention of the whole class.

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