Chapter 8 : Embarrassment Loves To Embarrass Me

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" The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it."

-Nicholas Sparks


Chapter 8 :
Embarrassment Loves To Embarrass Me.

Zaara's POV. 

" This is the last time I'm asking. What's bothering you since yesterday?"  Aiza semi yelled this time. 

" And this is the hundredth time I'm saying, there's nothing as such." I replied turning on the T.V. trying to change the topic. 

" Fine. Don't." She rolled her eyes and stormed out of the room.

        How do I tell her the reason when even I'm clueless about what's bothering me. Since yesterday when Areeba told me about Arhaan and that girl, I felt so strange.

I don't why it bothered me so much, why did I feel a pang of jealousy in my heart when I know it shouldn't have made any difference to me?

I don't know why I'm thinking about him since yesterday. I mentally shook my head at my weird assumptions and silly behaviour.

"Appi, Mom is asking you to pack your bag. We are leaving tonight." I was interruped from my thoughts as I heard Saad's voice.

" Tonight ? I thought we would be leaving day after tomorrow." I frowned.

" Dadi is not well so we have to leave today." 

I nodded my head and lazily stood up from my place to pack all my things .

While I was packing all my stuff which was scattered all over the room. My phone beeped indicating a facebook notification.

Unlocking my phone, I saw a few notifications from facebook and chose to open the first one which read.

 'Areeba Ahmad tagged you and 7 others in a photo.' 

Areeba just uploaded a few pics of Sarah appi's wedding and tagged many people.

As I scrolled through the pics, I came across a pic of Arhaan with his family. For a moment I stared at his smiling face shamelessly.

I couldn't control the urge to open his profile so I clicked on his name and then his profile appeared on my screen.

" Ahem ahem, I didn't know you stalk people this way." Aiza said as she saw me checking Arhaan's profile.

I jerked up and immediately closed his profile and started scrolling through Sarah Appi's wedding photos.

" No, I wasn't I was just umm." I replied stuttering.

" Yes yes, now you would say Arhaan's profile magically appeared on your screen, isn't it?" Aiza smirked at which I rolled my eyes at her.

" Now will you do the honours of telling me what's wrong with you"?

" Even I'm confused Aiza, I couldn't understand what's bothering me but there is something and it's really strange." I said turning to face her.

" Did something happen yesterday?" She questioned.

I told her about all the events that took place the other day and I wouldn't deny that I actually felt much lighter pouring my heart out to her because she was the only one with whom I share everything and there was nothing I could ever hide from her.

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