Bayleigh Meet Dan

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I sat down in the cheap orphanage chair, holding on tightly to the arms. In front of me were the orphanage manager and my 'future' parents. Funny thing is I never get adopted at all. I've been here for 9 years and I'm 15! My mum left me when I was 6, she was a single mum. I sat there watching my feet while they discussed my fate. I hate that. Not being able to talk to the people who could become my parents. "Bayleigh?" Said the women in her early 30s. I look up. "Yes" I reply awkwardly. "We are so sorry Hun" the man said, he didn't look at me. "It's ok I'm used to it" I say pulling myself up and walking out. I'm not disappointed. I'm used to it. I walk up the stairs and down the hallway, the walls covered in mustard paint. I get to my room at the end of the hall. I open the door to a medium sized square room. I run and jump on my bed and open my laptop. The orphanage couldn't afford to get me a good one so I bought it with my work money. I help with cleaning at a small cafe down the road, but what I really wanna be is a youtuber. I've made one or two videos documenting my life as a orphan and the highest amount of views I got was 23. They did buy me a phone it may be a flip up and not a I phone 6 but it is still a phone. I go on YouTube and search up Danisnotonfire. I watch his very first video 'hello Internet' and sit there laughing. The bell rings for lunch but as usual I ignore it and continue watching his videos and laughing just as much as the last.


"Who is it!" I yell my eyes still concentrated on his hair, his laugh and smile. "It's Mrs Thomas" the voice replays, she's the owner of the orphanage and us orphans. "Yes Mrs Thomas?" I say allowing her to come in. "There is a man here to see you, he's interested in adoption" her voice sounds hopeful. I give a warm smile and close my laptop lid. She walks out into the hall and I follow gentler closing the door behind me. I follow her into the office and she tells me to wait outside. I start twisting my hair in anticipation wondering who would request me. The door opens after a few minutes and I'm invited in. I stand in the door frame. A man is sat there. Brown hair. The chair turns around slowly. "Dan Howell?!" I whisper in shock.

So that's the end of part 1 I know it's bad but yeah, I appreciate you guys reading it as writing means a lot to me especially about things or people I love. Well yeah that's me done and thanks again for reading and I hope I am satisfy your needs soon with another part. That's sounds wrong ^.^ omg sorry ima go.......

Paige Out <3

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