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I KNOW I HAVENT POSTED IN DAYS ITS NOT MY FAULT!! I have my science GCSE'S in 7 days and I have been revising like a he'll loads! But I know I have no excuse so here is a chapter. I'm currently writing on my bus home because I can and it's the only place I time to write so yep! Anyway I've missed you guys! AND OVER 750 READS! GUYS YOU ARE AMAZING THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS ARE THE REASON I DO THIS! So here is Bayleighs first day of school enjoy!

Days had gone by since I toured Hollygrove. We had applied and accepted and my very first day of school was tomorrow. Dan decided in advance to take me school shopping, buying me a new backpack, pens, pencils, notebook, ruler and sharpener and some colouring pencils. He had even let me choose some new clothes. When we got home, we gathered in the kitchen and began making pasta bake. I made the sauce, trying to make it perfect.

After dinner we headed into the living for our daily anime night. I curled up, Dans arm over my shoulder and my head resting on his lap. My feet on Phils. When we were all comfy the doorbell rang, Phil got up to answer it seeing as if dan did then I wouldn't be comfortable anymore. A few seconds later I hear heels tapping on the floor, echoing and getting louder as it comes towards us.

"DANIEL!" A familiar voice screamed from right behind the sofa.

Dans head jolted around, so was mine.

Leah stood there grinning. "I'm back"

I lept up. "Get out!" I screamed, my fists clenched so tight they were white but I didn't care. What j did care about was that rat was in my house.

"I don't think you have the authority and power to do that sweetie!" Leah cackled. I growled. I felt Dan's hand on my back. "Do as she says Leah"

Phil came in seconds later his face red. "If tried to stop her i-i just can't hit a girl." He looked sincere. We nodded at him then our gaze switching back to Leah.

"If think it's your bed time" she laughed. I pounced over the sofa and went for her before she could shield herself. My nails digging into her face and her ear pricing scream. Dan pulled me off by my waist. Phil pulling Leah back by hers.

She was in tears. I was gasping for breath at how tight Dan's grip was. I hugged into him his hands stroking my hair, my eyes shut tight.

"Leave Leah" Dans voice boomed. That was the first time I heard him angry. "But daniel" she wimpered. "Go!" He shouted even louder. I heard footsteps coming closer and I heard wispering. " I will come for you!"

That put a end to our night. I slept with Dan in the end, to scared to fall asleep on my own. He cradled me in his arms, rocking me slowly and wispering softly "I will never let anyone hurt you"

I was asleep in minutes.

I woke up the next day taking up all the quilt and at least 60% of the bed. Oops. I climbed pit slowly and checked his phone. It was 5:57.

10 messages from: Psycho Leah

I put the phone back down. I don't have to be at school till 9:00 but it was a long bus journey, and we were expecting Jamie and Katlin at 8:10.

I went to the living room were the events from the night before took place, picking my phone of the counter and connecting my headphones. I played Stay by Kygo singing along and nhs quiet and nhs possible. I waited till the chorus type thing then began to sing louder. "I turned around and saw the look on your face so I stayeyeyeyed stayed!" I danced around till Phil walked in yawning.

I gave him a huge grin and he laughed. He poured me out a bowl of cereal while I sat at the breakfast bar. "How's dil?" I asked. He turned around and looked really confused. "Sims...." I hinted. "Ooooooo he's good we got the new spa pack! But we didn't get to use it. Fire." The disappointment in his voice made me giggle. He dropped the cereal and ran around to tickle me!

Time skip because I'm lazy to 8:00 o'clock we go!!!

I ran to my room and picked out my black jeans and plain white top, with my grey thatcher Joe hoodie and white converse. I brushed my long silky brown hair into a pony tail. Nothing to good. I made sure I packed everything. The door banged and I ran into the living room to answer it. I opened the door and Jamie andnswernd Katlin paraded in.

It wasn't a hot day today and it was May, but Katlin was wearing a pair of shorts and a baggy jersey from when she was like 12, yeah I said baggy!

Jamie just looked like Jamie. Perfect all over. Huge cheeky smile and adorable laugh. I ran up to a him and hugged him. They hadn't even stayed 5 minutes when we were headed back out the door again.

Time skip againnnnn! Onward to school!

We arrived outside of the school gates. The school inside still towering over me like a castle. I gulped and reached for Jamies hand. We walked in all together, but we had to split, Jamie had to go to his form and me and Katlin had to pick up our timetables from the reception. We walked in, my breathing all sorts if crazy, and they asked us our names. And handed over our timetables.

Fortunately, me and Katlin were put in the same form. We looked and the class and began to locate were E6 was, which we presumed was English and we were correct in thinking so. We knocked. We waited. We were ushered in by a crazy blonde haired teacher maybe in her middle age. And yes out of the corner if my eye I saw Jamie.

"Students meet Katlin Lewis and Bayleigh Howell" at the end of my surname people gasped and stared. I heard muttering and wispering. My eyes drifted to the floor. "Say something about yourself girls."

I let Katlin speak. "Well were both orphans but I was adopted 3 years ago and Bayleigh quite recently, and yes her father is Dan Howell." She ended it there. And I'm glad she did. Madam dismissed us to our seats, my next to Jamie.

Quite frankly and surprisingly I survived first period,English, and second period, physics, easily trying so hard to keep myself hidden. But that kinda failed. We were sent to break and I met up with Jamie, who was in my next class, art.

"Katlin got herself herself break detention already" he sighed as we rested on one near by old rotting bench at the bottom of the school away from all the noise. "Why" I asked not surprised. "She called the English teacher fit." Our conversation ended there with me ceeling over in laughter. I was separated from them for English and Physics but atleast Jamie was in my art.

Time skip to arttttttt!

We sat patiently in art waiting for the teacher. The class had been given a project to do before I had joined the school so I was waiting to be assigned to something as I was in previous lessons today.

She walked in, and I was expecting a old lady with saggy skin, grey hair and glasses but no she was pretty and young maybe around 22 and her skin was flawless. "Bayleigh Howell? Dan Howell daughter?" I nodded a bit confused on how she knew my Dad and she read my thoughts. " I want your dad's high school, ask him if he knows Jemma Martin" she laughed. I smiled and nodded.

"Can you draw?" She asked. I shrugged but Jamie butted in. "Yes Miss really well" I gave him the death glare. "Well then Bayleigh you can draw me our class logo. It can be anything but nothing rude or dirty but I doubt you would do that, use anything you need and take as long as you want, you have till the 27th"

I set work, drawing a outline of a circle with a rose going across the middle with a snake in twined with it. I joked around with Jamie until he slid me a note at the end of class. He walked out before I opened it:

I love you Bayleigh :-)

My heart began to get butterflys. Lessons went so quick from then on.

OMG GOD GUYS 1463 wordsssss! Go me! Haha well I see you guys again for the next part!

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