New Friend

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FIRSTLY I WANNA THANK YOU GUYS FOR OVER 500 READS! This is insane! I remember when this story had like 2 never mind 500! You guys are so amazing thank you so much! Now enjoy this extra long chapter I love you guys!

I woke up to Phil sat at the end of the hospital bed. As soon as he saw my eyes creep open he darted over with a bottle of water in hand. I gave him a weak smile and took a few sips. I surveyed the room. No Dan. No Leah. "There in the hallway" Phil answered. I nodded and rested again. He walked to the corner of the room and brought over a tesco bag. He lay everything our in front of me, my laptop and phone, magazines and books. "Doctor says you might be here for one or two more days so I thought you might want them" I leaned forward, signalling for a hug. I could see his grin as he wrapped his arms around me and sat back down at the end of my bed.

A couple of hours later dan arrived on his own carrying a bag full of my clothes, diverting my attention from my phone to him. "Hey Bay" he whispered as if the smallest noise would hurt me. I nodded. "The doctor said you might need to be put on a ward later." "Ok" was my reply. I didn't feel like talking not to him anyway.

Phil had informed me that Mrs Thomas had been in to see me while I was asleep and she sends her wishes and left me some chocolate. I didn't really feel like eating it. Dan sat on the other side of the bed and reached for my hand I wasn't using. I pulled it away before his hand touched it. I heard a deep sigh. Sure I felt guilty but he didn't believe me. "The doctor said that they will need to do one more headscan to make sure your alright and then they will put a cast on your leg!" Phil said excitedly making me laugh, weakly. "What colour are you gonna choose?" Dan asked. I shrugged. He took it as his que to leave. When the door shut a tear drizzled down my cheek.

They did move me to a different ward. I never realised till now I was on the children's ward. I hated hospitals, never been in one but I hated them. I was on a ward of 5. There were 2 screaming kids, maybe 7 or 8 years old. There voices drowned out everyone else. There was a part that always had the curtains drawn. And there was a boy. He had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes and he had a amazing laugh. He greeted me with a smile as I was pushed onto the ward, then went back to the book he was reading. I always took sneaky, casual and frequent glances at him. But he always seemed to recognise my staring and he would look up and nd give this crooked grin, a really cute crooked grin. It suited him. We mainly communicated through coughing. Whenever I coughed he would reply with one.

It was our thing.

I never really had the courage to speak to him. I practically grew up with a house full of boys but I never really liked any if them. That would be weird as they were all like my brothers and I never thought of them in that way. He was different.

But he spoke to me first. I was on my phone watching Zoella as you do when you are stuck in a hospital and I was continually laughing. I never even notice him get out of bed. All I felt was 2 taps on my shoulder and I looked up and was him. I removed my headphones to be polite. He smiled at me. He has a wonderful smile. "Who you watching?" His voice was sweet and dreamy. We had a long conversation and I learnt that his name was Jamie and he was 15 and he went to Hollygrove High school. When he asked were I went I stayed silent and then explained the situation. He admitted that it was nice to know someone who wasn't ordinary. We talked until we were rudely disrupted by Dan and Phil walking in. Jamie waved me goodbye and walked over to his bed again and winked.

I don't know what was so different about him but I liked him. And over the next 2 days he became my best friend. My only friend.

He found me (A Danisnotonfire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now