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Matt and I walk hand and hand through the halls days after we DTR, I could hear girls talking shit as we walk by but I don't give a flying fuck about what they think because their opinion doesn't matter it's my relationship it none of their damn business

"Don't listen to them babe ok?" Matt tells as we stop in front of my class

"I don't it's blanked out I promise" I smile "what matters is we feel about this" I kiss his cheek and walk into class

Matts pov

"What matters is what we feel about this," she said as she kissed my cheek I can't believe I'm doing this just to prove a point it's going to crush her after she finds out. This a fuckboy move I'm doing right now and I'm for sure going to regret this as soon as she finds this whole bet out

Anna's pov

As I got through my boring as class the bell rang to head to lunch I sat with alix As she eat her lunch

"so is Matt taking to homecoming?" She asks

"Hope so" I smile at her

"Why'd I ask I know he's going to ask you that was a dumb question" she laughs at her own answer, then matt comes and sits beside me

"Hey babe" he says kissing my cheek, he isn't the PDA type of guy, I respond with a soft 'hey' it still feels awkward being with Matt in front of friends since we barely even started dating and I'm not comfortable being all lovely dovey with a guy while I'm with alix, he's my first boyfriend and I'm just not used to this type of situation, in the other hand alix has experience with relationships.

As the lunch period continues Matt talks to jack and Sam, who in fact is hitting on alix when she keeps on blowing him off, Alix and I carry on our conversation trying to block all the flirty comments that Sam is throwing at alix

After the bell to go the last period, we ignore it and just keep on talking until the warning bell rang that's when we start walking to class but lucky for alix and I we have no 6 period.

"I will stop by your house later ok," Matt says before he pecks me on the lips, I nod before he leaves to class

After we said our good-byes and the we started walking out the school gates showing the security our IDs that has the sticker showing that we have no 6 period he nods and let us go, we walked up to my jeep and I give alix a ride to her house.

She would plug in her phone to play her music which consisted mostly green day. I screeched when she started playing holiday it's my favorite song from them, I will shimmy my shoulder to the beat of the beat. When it comes to music I really don't have a favorite genre I will listen to any that catches my ear

Once I drop her off I plug in my phone so I could drive back home. I pulled up in my driveway. I give greet my mom real quick and head to my room and change into some sweatpants and a tank and a bun this much needed always after school, I just lay on my bed and watch Netflix before I even start in my homework, I get lazy when I come from school to start on my homework.

The Ugly Bet // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now