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Gifts after gifts I was starting to get tired of it, I get angrier about the situation even more because he thinks that he can just buy my trust back with some sweet ass gifts but he needs to do more than just give me gifts that he doesn't have the audacity to even try and give them to me in person.

"I'm getting tired of this I just don't know how stop it" I say plopping onto my my bed "help me Alix" I say as I stare at the ceiling

"Just tell him about it stop thinking and just do it" she advices me as she lays next to me

"Hope it works" I tell her well more to myself

-next day-

When I open my locker about 10 notes came out, that was the icing on the cake I got so hot headed about this, I know people might say this is over reacting but I see as the guy who used me as a bet trying to get back to my life just hurt me again and I can't no longer deal with this

I want to go ahead and tell him about the gifts that he has given me throughout the weeks that it has been going on but I can't just do it in class. So I wait for lunch time where is a perfect time for it

I sit patiently waiting for Alix to finish her lunch, I need her by my side when I go and talk to him.

"Are you ready?" She says after she throws her trash away

"I mean I guess, it's now or never" I let out softly grabbing my stuff

We start walking to where everyone who is considered popular sits. I get more and more nervous by the step closer I get to the table, but this is a thing I have to do.

"Matt can I talk to you?" I say as reach to the table

"Sure" he says as he gets out of his seat

"Matt I know it's you that have been giving me those little gifts the past few weeks" I tell him looking everywhere but his eyes

"What? What are you talking about?" He asks confused

"I saw you drop off the flowers on my doorstep on my security camera" I tell him

"Oh I thought it would be anonymous and it worked for a while" he half smiles about the thought about it

"That's the thing Matt you thought that would actually work but all I ever want is for you to actually try and talk to me about not to just give me so pity gifts that I don't even need" I say getting my anger out

"But they weren't out of pity" he scrunch his eyebrows together

"Well pity or not, no little gifts will make me forgive you for what you did" I finally let my anger out "unless you actually fucking try" I say my last words before I turn around and leave with Alix closely behind.

Matt's pov

After I talk with Anna I sadly go back to my spot and try and block everything out

"What happened Matt" I hear Johnson say

"She wants an apology for what I did but I tried and nothing has worked what do I do?" I questioned as rest my head on my hand

"well build a time machine and back in time before the stupid bet happened" Johnson says

"Only if I could" I whisper to myself

"Listen just actually go to her house and sincerely apologize for what you did" he tells me

That's my last hope I have for this I hope it does actually work. now all I have to do is think of way to tell her how terribly sorry I am because I need her by my side and I really do feel like shit for agreeing the bet with gilinsky. I want her to see that I am actually trying make her forgive me.

The Ugly Bet // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now