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I was walking down the hall minding my own business until I see amber walking my way

Ugh this bitch better not even breathe near me

"So I heard you're dating matt now?" She asked with her crappy attitude

"Yeah," I said bluntly not wanting to even speak to her

"Well let's see how long that lasts?" She says as laughs, and let me tell you it's an annoying ass laugh

I plugged in my headphones and put my playlist that only consisted of Melanie Martinez, her music always clears my mind I just love her music, as I sat down I still had my headphones plugged in I'm just waiting for the bell to ring, as the class started I unplugged my headphones

I just pretend to pay attention but I will be thinking of what Amber said about mine and Matt's relationship, you know what that slutbag isn't going to ruin my relationship with him she could run her mouth and I will just not care what she says


I sat in the same place as alix and I always sit since she is taking her sweet time to get her food I just play music, music is my life I just can't listen to it. I was so into the music I didn't even noticed that alix was already beside me

"Oh, when you get here?" I ask taking my headphones out

"Like 45 minutes ago," she says smirking

"Oh really the shit were late to class" I laugh of her exaggeration, she always I got to admit it gets annoying but I just play along

"How was your day?" She says as she takes a bite of her lunch

"It was good until I came across Amber" I roll my eyes by just the memory of the situation

"That fucken cunt what she say?" She says scrunching her eyebrows together

"Luckily nothing much just questioning how long will matt's and mine relationship last" I shortly answered

"Who the fuck does she think she is questioning it it's none of her business," she says as she takes a sip of her drink

"Let's lighten the mood," she says "so homecoming is like literally around the corner has Matthew asked you yet," she asks

"no but I feel like he will soon" I respond "and you do you have anyone that seems interested in asking you," I ask wiggling my eyebrows

"No, but, by the way, Sam has been acting around me I feel he will," she says

"Ohhh," I say as teasing type of way

"No! Shut up! He such a fuck boy" she says

"Oh cmon he isn't that bad" I laugh at her response

"Yes, it is. I will just my cousins friend if he wants to come with me" she says shrugging he shoulders

"You have a list of guys that will like to date you" I joke around

"Don't be jealous boo boo," she says flipping her hair

"I am jealous dude if I wasn't with Matt I will not be going to HOCO" I informed her, she laughs at my response and hugs me

Matts pov

I still need to find a way to ask Anna to HOCO I need to think of a nice way to ask her

"So you ready for homecoming?" Gilinsky asks with a sinister smirk

"Shut up eyebrows," I tell him because he doesn't know the situation I am in, he laughs and return to the conversation with Johnson

I regret on making this bet just to prove jack I could get girls and hurting a girl to prove something the main reason I regret in doing this is that I think in falling for her
That's a game changer!

The Ugly Bet // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now