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Alix and I were sitting on our lunch spot, I will say table but we don't have one our school is that freaking crowded and I hate it, theirs people everywhere. I look to my right and see Matt and see him with Carly, I see Matt glance over at me every now and then with smile

Matthew lee you need to much more than that to grab my attention after what you did
Alix and I decided to have a girls night, we were are currently watching we're the millers while eating chocolate cake, she laughed and she got chocolate stuck on her tooth

"You're so beautiful," I tell her

"I know " she responds

"Will you marry me?" I say as I smile with chocolate stuck on my teeth

"Yes" she smiles looking off onto space, we laugh of our stupidity and how much we love bridesmaids it's one of our favorite movie

"What is Matt trying to prove by being with Carly?" Alix asks me

"To prove he's just player" I simply say

"C'mon do you really think he's a player?" She asks me

"He used me as a bet what else is there to it?" I tell her getting angry

"What if he was set up to his friends or something?" She states her point

"Well I don't know, all I know is I was just a bet to him and that's that," I say

"I'm going to tell you this as you best friend and you know I hate seeing so crushed and shit" she says "you should let him tell you his side of the story because you don't know the whole truth all you know is that you were a bet but do you know the back story to it?" She once again proves her point

"I guess you're right," I say giving in

Just because I'm giving him a chance to speak the truth will not mean that I'm giving him a second chance he has Carly and I have Dominic


The next day I kept on debating if I should talk to matt or not, I mean I really want to know the reason behind everything but then again he would think I'm crawling back to him which is not the case.

Whatever I'm doing it

To Matt:
Hey I know it's been awhile but I need to talk to you

From Matt:
Hey yeah it's been forever but what do you need to talk to me about

To Matt:
It's something I would rather talk to you face to face. Meet me at the park

From Matt:
Ok see you in a bit

Matt's pov
After I received the text from Anna about wanting to talk I smiled at the chance of getting my girl back it made really happy I shot up and started getting ready before I head to meet up with Anna.

I'm walking into the park looking for her until u saw her in one of the picnic tables on her phone, I walk towards the table and sit across from her

"So what's is it that you wanted to talk about?" I ask her

"So alix brought to my attention to the reason why you decided to do the bet?" She asks me and it's not what I was expecting, I was expecting 'I want us to try again and try to look past the bet situation'

"Why? That's part of the past why bring it up again?" I confusedsly ask her

"Because I want to know the reason why you decide to make that bet in the first place," she tells me looking right in the eyes

"Okay well gilinsky said that my game was weak since I only had one girlfriend before so he suggested to ask you to out up to homecoming just to prove I'm capable of getting a girl," I say giving in

"So I was just an easy target for you?" She  asks me with her eyes filling with tears

AN: I'm sorry this is so bad and that I took eternity to update, I'm failing math and I need to pass it to graduate so I will probably have a real slow update because of it

The Ugly Bet // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now