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I have a huge smile on my face, I'm such in a good mood, not even math will ruin this mood. After math, I literally walked out just as fast as speedy Gonzalez l, that's pretty darn fast. I just sit waiting for alix to come. Once she has arrived the first question she asks

"So has he ask you yet?" She says as she wiggles her eyebrows, I simply nod and she goes full blown fangirl mode "are you serious? How did he ask you? What did he put on the poster? Did he, at least, put an effort in it?" She interrogates me

"Which question do you want me to answer first?" I ask her, for some reason school dance like HOCO or prom really makes her happy. I tell detail per detail how he asked me she gushed every little detail I will tell

I can't wait till homecoming


The day has arrived, it's finally homecoming, even though today is the day we still tons of time to get I mean cmon it 11 o'clock in the morning and the dance starts about 9, I will just kill time until the time comes to start getting ready

6:23 p.m

After I checked the time it was a decent time to start getting ready, I will start off with a shower. After the shower, I walk out of my bathroom and into the closet to get my dress, a two-piece pastel pink dress.

I set my dress in my bed and put on some under garments and put a bath robe so I could do my hair and makeup. I start off by blow drying my hair my hair is curly so when it's dry it's so puffy I straighten my real quick before I ask my sister to help me with the hair and then curl it. And for the makeup, I went for a glam kind of nude look with a pink matte lipstick

After all the beauty part of the process I head towards my bed and grab my dress and put it on, I walk over my full body mirror and admire my look for tonight. I spray some of my favorite perfume for the last touch

8:27 p.m

Right when I was finished getting ready, there was. Knock on the door I put my nude heels on quickly before opening the door. I open the door to find Matt wearing a tuxedo once he sees me his eyes widened I feel my cheeks heating up as I see his reaction

"Wow, you look gorgeous" he compliments

"Thank you, and you look handsome as per usual" I smile as I hug him. We walked out, and headed towards his car he opens the passenger door and I slid in he closes the door as he rushes to the driver side.

We arrived at the dance, I'm really excited to be here because I've never been asked to a dance before this is literally my very first school dance I have ever been to ... This is exciting

Matt's POV

I am currently I the bathroom with the guys

"You actually made through until homecoming" gilinsky said as he gives me a side hug with a grip

"How are you going to break it to her?" Johnson asks "telling her is better than her finding out" he smiles as he pats my shoulder, that got me thinking how am I going to actually break it to her

Anna's POV

I was on the table with alix just drinking our punch until mine and alix song starts playing and we rush to the dance floor and start dancing to Skippin by Mario

We're having such a great time nothing could ruin it

Me and Matt were sitting on the table with the guys, alix was on the dance floor with a guy she met,

"I have to tell you something," Matt says as he grabs my hand

"What is it?" I ask him

"He guys and I made a sort of" he starts, I raise my eyebrows signal to continue "made a bet see if I could get any girls," he says not wanting to look at me in the eyes

"What?" I say as my blood boiled

"You were just a stupid ugly bet" Amber jumps in, she was gilinsky's date

That draws the line I get up I grab my cup of punch as splash on matt's face and slapped him as hard as I could

"I'm sorry," he says as he gets up

"YOU COULD SHOVE YOUR PITY APOLOGY UP YOUR ASS YOU FUCKEN ASSHOLE" I yell at him "oh and do me a favor delete my number," I tell him as I grab my purse and walk out
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The Ugly Bet // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now