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I was just sitting on my class waiting for the final bell to ring so I could go home already, my teacher will talk till the very last minute of the class and on top of that, she has a boring voice I always feel like falling asleep every class.

I feel relieved as I hear the bell ring I grab my phone, the teacher makes us turn in our phones so we could have 'no distractions' I hate the rule but we still get extra credit if we do so is a somewhat win, I pack everything into my bag and be ready to go.

I leave the classroom and Matt are waiting for me outside the classroom how is he already out we have the same class

"How are you already out we were literally on the same room?" I said giggly as he grabs my hand interlocking them

"I have my ways" he smirks

"You have your thing packed before time don't you?" I ask, he laughs "oh you're such a bad boy" I joke around

"I am thank you for realizing it" she smiles with pride

"No your not your a freaking teddy bear," I tell him "but I love it" I added


He walks me to my car, we stop as we reach my car

"I will see you at your house later baby girl," he says as he kisses my forehead, I nod and respond with a soft 'ok' with he walks away and I enter my car and turning the ignition on so I could take off

I drive back home eager to lay on my bed and relax. Once I got home I drop my bag on my closet and went under the covers and turn on my tv which was connected to an Apple TV so click on the Netflix app and look for a good movie

I internally fangirl when I see two of my favorite movies 'house of wax' and 'bring it on: fight to the finish' that movie made me want to become a cheerleader but then I remember I'm a lazy dweeb. I click on bring it on I'm feeling like being a cheerleader while I lay down

Matt calls me on the part when Lina is trying to show Evan that cheerleading isn't that hard. I personally think Evan is hot like just look at him oh my Jesus, anyways back to the call

"You're home right?" He asks after I answer

"Yes, where else would I be?" I laugh as I answer his question

"Just making sure baby" he informs me "I will be there in a few" he adds before we say our goodbyes, I hang up and go back to the movie and wait till Matt comes.


I hear taps on my window I get up and walk to the window I open the curtain and see Matt holding up a sign and is surrounded by candles, wow he is quiet I didn't even hear the commotion. I rush to the front door and run towards him and hug him tightly

"So what do you say?" He says with an adorable smile

"Are you kidding me," I say trying to sound like Miranda sings "of course I will," I tell a little after, he laughs at my attempt of impersonating her, he hugs me tighter as I hug

We blow the candles before we went inside, I don't know why he light them they could barely even see it the sun still need to set

"We're you watching Netflix?" He asks me as we walk up the stairs

"Yes, I was watching bring it on" I smile

"Can we watch something else, though," he asks as he sits on my bed

"Fine," I say as I get my Apple TV control to find something to watch that both of us would like. We end up watching the fluffy movie
AN: having 2 free periods makes it easy for me to update

The Ugly Bet // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now