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Hello Loves ! Well I know it says Rated PG-13 but some parts may be rated R .
-No negative Nancys either I've worked as hard as I could on this fan-fic !
-Thanks . (:

*Jessica's POV*

*RING ! RING ! RING!* My alarm clock blared throughout my room . I looked at the clock to see that it's 5:30 , great school . I hate school . I hate people at school . I just hate everything . But I have my reasons .

I walked over to my wall and felt around for the light switch and flipped it on . Then I trudged into my bathroom turning the shower on . After my shower I dried my hair and straightend it , and walked to my vanity mirror in my room and began to put my makeup on . I looked at myself and forced a smile . Now I know why I was bullied .. I was ugly , and emo . I was ever sense he left .. I him so much , but I can't sulk over him forever he was off to a better life . He probably never even thought of me anymore .

*Zayn's POV*
As I woke up I looked at the clock that read 8:30 , right about now she's getting ready for school . I always think of her , she never leaves my mind , she was my only reason to be happy and now that I can't have her I'll never be happy .
I grabbed the prescription bottle on my dresser , no I'm not on drugs just anti-depressants . I was so sad after I left her I can still remember our last conversation ...

"So what did you need to talk about Zaynniee Poo " she said eagerly .

"Jessie love , I'm leaving .. " I barley managed to choke out .
She looked at me and laughed "Your kidding right ?"
"I wish I was love .. " Then she started crying .
'I'll always love you Jessie , but errm this won't work out anymore ." I said holding her for one last time before I left .
" I love you Zayn , forever and always , to the moon and back . " Then I left after sharing one last kiss ..
-End of Flashback.-

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