Don't Hurt Me .

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*Harry's POV*  

The whole way back to the house , I smelled blood , Jessie must have cut her foot on a rock .  

I was growing more and more hungry with every wiff of blood . 

As soon as we got in to the house she looked at me and noticed my eyes , before she could speak I looked and her and put my hand over her mouth and began to speak . 

"Go to my room , lock the door , shut the window . Don't let anyone in for 3 hours . Jess , if you don't want to get hurt listen to everything I just told you , now GO!" I screamed and I watched her run away .

*Jessies POV* 

After I ran into Harrys room and locked the door , I noticed the open window , I slammed it shut and looked down to see Niall , Liam , and Louis with glowing red eyes starring at me .  

I walked to Harrys bed and found instrustiond .  

The paper read .

My dearest sister Jessica ,  

We never wanted this to happen to us , now I have you keep you safe .  

Okay so , I bet your wondering how we got turned , well after xfactor we all began to hang out even more . Me , Zayn , Liam , and Niall were human , but Louis was a vampire , he told us all and asked us if we wanted to live forever like him , he told us it was amazing we all were stupid and we listened to him , anyways he changed us all , and taught us to control oursleves , but sometimes you meet that one person with a blood type so rare and so amazing , it can do wonders for a vampire , well Jess , you have that blood type , its irresistable , Louis can barley keep his calm around you .  

Anyways , grab the vile under my bed and drink it , drink it all no matter how nasty it is . Once you drink it you will stop bleeding and we will calm down . Don't open the door for an hour after you drink it .  

Love , Hazza .

I listened to the note and found the vile and downed it , it was the nastiest thing ever , its worse thatn cough syrup .

Moments later there was a knock on the door .  

"Jesss , ohh Jessie , I know your in there , open up and we will have some fun .." It was Niall . 

"Go away Niall ! I love Zayn not you ." I screamed . 

I the foot steps walked down the hall but moments later they came back and there was a rappied knockig on the door . 

"Jess ! Its Zayn let me in ! " Zayn voice screamed from outside the door . 

I ran to the door and flung it open to see Niall smiling with red eyes , but I was for sure it was Zayn I tried to shut the door but Niall stopped it and pushed me back onto the floor . He shut the door and locked it then he walked towards me as I tried to regain my balance he grabbed my arm and flung me onto the bed . 

I tried to scream but his hands covered my mouth muffling the sound he looked at me with red eyes and an evil smile . 

"Shh , now love . I just want to have fun ." He removed his hand and ripped my shirt off revealing my red bra , he licked his lips and began kissing my neck , he found my sweet spot and began to suck on the skine of my neck a moan came out of my mouth . He smiled and kissed up my neck and then I felt fangs graze my skin I whimpered , but he pulled back and stopped , he began to cry . 

"Oh my god , I'm so sorry Jess . "He opened the door and started to walk out but Harry appeared out side the door .  

Niall looked at him and said " I stopped myself Harry , I couldn't hurt her . "  

Harry nodded and let Niall by . I grabbed on of Harrys shirts that was on the floor and put it on . I ran up to Harry and engulfed him in a hug .  

He looked at me and smiled .  

"Harry .. change me , I don't want t be in that situation again . "  

"I can't , Zayn will have to. "


After that scare I walked to the living room to find all the lads on the couch , Niall was crying and Zayn was worried , he ran up to me and hugged me .  

"Are you okay Jess ?" 

"I'm perfectly fine Zayn , Niall stopped , he didn't hurt me ." I managed a smile . 

"Ew , you reak of Wolfsvain . No wonder he didn't , go shower . " Zayn insisted . 


After my shower I walked out and sat in between Zayn and Harry on the couch .  

"Tell Zayn what you told me earlier Jess ." Harry spoke . 

"What is it love?" Zayn whispered sending chills down my body .  

"I want you to change me ." I tried to sound serious .  

Zayn laughed "You what ?" 

"I want you to change me , I want to be with you forever , and I don't want to drink that nasty vile stuff again ."  

He laughed and looked at me with a sincere smile "Okay , but it might hurt alittle ." 

He grabbed my arm and led me to his room .

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