Just a Little Thirsty.

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*Jessie's POV*

I woke up a few hours after me and Zayn fell asleep to the all to familiar burning in my throat. I was thirsty. I didn't want to go out alone so I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the little bell that annoyed the hell out of the guys. I rang the bell over and over again until all the boy stumbled in the kitchen. Even Liam. I looked at the guys and smiled.

"Oh gosh, she wants something." Harry groaned making me giggle.

"What do you want baby?" Zayn said yawning.

"Well I'm just a little thirsty, and we have no blood bags. Niall drank the last three last night." I said as innocently as I could.

"What? Niall. I told you we needed those!" Liam finally spoke up screaming at Niall.

"I was thirsty." Niall admitted.

"Oh hush. Your always thirsty or hungry or something to do with food." Louis sassed.

"Anyways. Who wants to go?" I asked happily.

When none of the boys raised their hands I walked back up to mine and Zayn's room and locked him out.

A few minutes later I heard Zayn's footsteps followed by knocking.

"Jessie I was coming to tell you I would go with you but sense your being a little bitch I'm not." He sapt obviously mad.

I felt tears pricking my eyes as I opened the door and pushed by Zayn. I walked to the living room and slid my UGG boots on while all the guys watched me. I knew they had heard what Zayn just said but he hurt my feelings like he always does. I opened the door and walked out into the chilly night air. As I was walking out I noticed Niall walking back up the drive.

"Where you going Jess?" He asked.

"Hunting. Zayn called me a bitch so I came alone." Niall nodded and followed me as I walked into the woods. I shut my eyes letting my fangs slip out and my eyes go red. I sniffed the air and smelled the sweetest smell you could thinking of.

"You smell that?" Niall whispered

"Yeah. What do you think it is?" I asked because I'd never smelled anything so amazing.

"I think it's about two humans. A guy and a girl to be exact." He answered and I took off towards the smell with Niall right behind me. I stopped once I saw were the smell was coming from. It was a couple. They guy was yelling at the girl for something and she was crying. I lunged towards the guy as Niall took the girl away.

"Scared?" I chuckled at the look on his face.

"No, not of a little bitch." I sent him a fanged smile and he gasped.

"Shouldn't have said that." Was the last thing I said before I sunk my fangs deep into his neck sucking his blood slowly so he would suffer. As I finished him off I watched as Niall dropped the girl and turned towards me.

I walked up the steps of the house with Niall laughing at what his girlfriend had done, even though I didn't know her Niall said she was a sweetheart. I walked into the living room to see Zayn staring at the wall.

"What took so long?" He said look at me and Niall.

"We were hunting." I answered walking away from Zayn. I was too mad to put up with his bullshit right now.

I was pushed against a wall and Zayn was in front of me "Where you cheating on me?" I rolled my eyes. Not again.

"Zayn I love you so much but you don't trust me! What is a relationship without trust? Nothing!" I screamed getting mad at him. How could he even accused me of that. I love him way to much. And Liam was a bad mistake.

"Well after you went off with Liam I wouldn't put anything past you." He yelled in my face.

I used my strength to push him off of me "You know what Zayn. I'm tired of your shit. Your always accusing me of shit. I'm done." And with that I walk out of his room and out of his life.

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