10. Sunrise

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Exhausted from another day of exploring Punjab and its colourful culture, I take a shower trying to get rid of the sweat that had consumed my body.

I came out of the shower into the shared room with the boys, only wearing a towel, to my surprise Kareena was sitting there waiting for me.

"Oh sorry I thought you were just.." Karen's eyes went over my body, at least I had been working out and there was a six pack to be proud of, either way I still felt flustered.

"Nah it's fine, just had a shower." I say shaking my hair to get rid of the water in my hair. 

"Ah I see, I just wanted to talk to you." Kareena said she was wearing night shorts and a black tank top, she still looked gorgeous, even without makeup.

"Whats up? " Throwing an old t-shirt on the towel still wrapped around my abdomen as I sit next to her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you." Kareena smiled.

"Oh well lets talk." I laugh.

"I like talking to you Jay." Kareena said softly.

"Or maybe you just like me?" I say bravely.

She looks at me stunned and then shoves me in a playful manner.

"You can't deny it though?" I wink.

"I guess not." She sighs.

"What?" I stutter, did she just say she likes me?!

"I mean you are a likeable person." Kareena quickly says.

"Oh." I slump, "Thanks." I force a smile.

She looks at me almost if she is trying to read me.

"Jay, have you ever had a girlfriend?" Kareena suddenly says out of the blue.

"What?" I say, I feel this is the time to quickly change into my tracks under my towel.

"You know first love blah blah." Kareena lays on my bed.

"Yeah why?" I say whipping off my towel and revealing my trackies underneath an old trick.

"I don't know I guess I'm just trying to get to know you know you on this trip, life stories and all of that." Kareena says looking up at the ceiling. I lie beside her looking at the fan thats whizzing around.

"My first proper girlfriend was last year, it lasted for about two months." I say.

"What happened?" Kareena asks, rolling onto her side, facing me, I do the same.

"I guess we realised that we were a bit too different. She was always out partying and came home at like 3 every day. I was sick of worrying where she was and if I would be told my girlfriend had been raped or not. She never listened, she couldn't stop drinking." I say and sigh.

"That must of been hard." Kareena touches my wrist.

"It was, i didn't know how to help her and she didn't want me to help. Eventually, I couldn't do it anymore, my grades were slipping, I was anxious and unhappy all of the time. Sam and Kian were the ones who convinced me to get away she wasn't good for me." I said, the memories still raw, it seemed a lifetime ago.

"Did you love her?" Kareena's brown eyes sparkled.

"I guess at one point I did and thats why I stayed with her, but she was reckless and didn't understand that her actions were affecting everyone around her. She left school at the end of the year when her parents forced her into rehab." I say honestly.

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